Marketing and Attention

Remember how we talked about creating something valuable? Well, now it’s time to let people know about it! But here’s the tricky part: the world is full of amazing things all trying to get noticed. Let’s learn how to make your idea stand out!

What is Attention?

Attention is like a spotlight. When something has your attention, it’s in that spotlight – you’re focusing on it and noticing it more than anything else.

  • Your brain is like a spotlight operator, always deciding where to point the light.
  • There are lots of things trying to get into the spotlight: TV shows, games, school work, and yes, businesses too!

Why is Attention Important in Marketing?

  1. Limited Spotlight Time: People can only pay attention to so many things. If your idea isn’t in the spotlight, people might not notice it.
  2. Lots of Competition: Imagine a room full of people all waving their hands saying “Look at me!” That’s what businesses are doing all the time.
  3. First Step to Success: Before people can buy what you’re offering, they need to know about it first!

How to Get Attention the Right Way

Getting attention isn’t about being the loudest or flashiest. It’s about being interesting and helpful. Here are some tips:

  1. Be Remarkable: Create something so cool or different that people can’t help but notice. Like a robot that can do backflips!
  2. Solve Problems: If your idea helps people with something they struggle with, they’re more likely to pay attention.
  3. Tell Great Stories: People love stories. If you can tell an exciting story about your idea, people will want to listen.
  4. Be in the Right Place: Figure out where your perfect customers hang out, and be there!
  5. Offer Something Free: Sometimes, giving a little sample for free can make people curious to learn more.

Think About It!

  • What’s something that always grabs your attention? Why do you think it does that?
  • If you made the world’s best cookies, how would you get people to notice them?
  • Can you think of a commercial that really got your attention? What made it special?

Remember, getting attention is just the start. In our next lesson, we’ll talk about how attention and value work together in marketing. It’s like a super team!

Song: Spotlight Dance

Verse 1:
In a world full of noise, how do you get seen?
Marketing’s the key, gotta light up that screen
Attention’s like a spotlight, shining oh so bright
Your idea’s gotta dance, to win that spotlight fight

Do the Spotlight Dance, get them to look your way
Be remarkable, solve problems every day
Tell a story that’s great, be where your friends will be
Spotlight Dance, make them curious, you’ll see

Verse 2:
Competition’s all around, everyone wants to shine
But your idea’s special, one of a kind
Be helpful and interesting, that’s the way to go
Offer something free, watch your audience grow


It’s not about being loud, or the flashiest one
It’s about being useful, and a whole lot of fun
Before they can buy it, they gotta know you’re there
So step into the spotlight, show them that you care


So wave your hands high, and do your special move
Get in that spotlight, find your marketing groove
‘Cause attention’s the start, of your success story
Spotlight Dance your way, to business glory!