Making People Ready to Listen

Now that we know what being “ready to listen” means, let’s learn how to use this superpower in your marketing!

Finding the Right People

Remember, not everyone will be interested in what you’re offering. That’s okay! Your job is to find the people who will care the most.

  • Think about who would love your idea the most. These are your “perfect customers.”
  • Where do these perfect customers hang out? That’s where you want to be!

Choosing the Perfect Time

Timing is super important! You want to talk to people when they’re most likely to care about what you’re saying.

  • If you’re selling umbrellas, rainy days are perfect!
  • If you have a homework helper app, talk about it when school starts.

Making Your Message Fun and Interesting

Even if you find the right people at the right time, you still need to make your message exciting!

  1. Tell a Story: People love stories. Can you tell a fun story about your idea?
  2. Solve a Problem: Show how your idea can help fix something tricky.
  3. Make it Personal: Try to connect your idea to things people care about.

Being Polite and Respectful

Remember, you’re asking for someone’s time and attention. It’s important to be nice about it!

  • Ask if people want to hear more before telling them everything.
  • Say “thank you” when people listen to you.
  • Don’t bug people over and over if they’re not interested.

Learning and Improving

The more you practice, the better you’ll get at making people ready to listen!

  • Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t.
  • Ask people what they think about your ideas.
  • Keep trying new ways to share your message.

Think About It!

  • If you had a lemonade stand, how could you make people more ready to listen about your yummy lemonade?
  • Can you think of a time when you weren’t ready to listen to someone? What could they have done differently?
  • Imagine you invented a robot that helps with chores. Who do you think would be most ready to listen about it? When would be the best time to tell them?

Remember, making people ready to listen is like a superpower in marketing. When you get good at it, you can share your awesome ideas with the world in a way that people will love!

Song: The Listening Magic

Verse 1:
Find the right people, who’ll love what you do
Choose the perfect moment, to share your point of view
Tell an exciting story, make your message shine
Solve a problem for them, and you’ll do just fine

It’s the listening magic, a superpower true
Make them ready to hear, all the great things you do
Right place, right time, with a message so clear
When you’ve got their attention, success is near

Verse 2:
Be polite and respectful, ask before you share
Show them you’re thoughtful, and that you really care
Connect with their interests, make it personal too
When they’re open to listen, your words will break through


Keep learning and growing, try new things each day
Ask for their opinions, see what they have to say
Practice makes perfect, in this marketing game
Use the listening magic, and you’ll find your way


So remember this lesson, as you share your cool stuff
Making people ready to listen, can make things less tough
It’s a superpower, in the world of marketing
Use it wisely, and watch your ideas take wing!