Becoming a Customer Detective: Finding Your Ideal Fans

Now that you know what an ideal customer is, let’s learn how to find them. It’s time to put on your detective hat and start investigating!

Step 1: What Problem Does Your Idea Solve?

Think about what your product or service does. How does it help people or make them happy?

Example: The Homework Helper App
Let’s say you created an app that makes homework fun and easy. It solves the problem of boring, difficult homework.

Step 2: Who Has This Problem?

Now, think about who might have this problem or want this solution.

For our Homework Helper App:

  • Students who struggle with homework
  • Parents who want to help their kids but don’t have much time
  • Teachers looking for ways to make homework more engaging

Step 3: Learn More About These People

Once you know who might like your idea, try to understand them better. What do they like? What do they do for fun? Where do they spend their time?

For our app users:

  • They might enjoy video games (so they like fun, interactive things)
  • They probably use smartphones or tablets a lot
  • They might spend time in after-school programs or study groups

Step 4: Where Can You Find Them?

Think about where you can reach these people. Where do they go? What do they watch or read?

For our Homework Helper App:

  • Schools and libraries
  • Educational websites and YouTube channels
  • Parent-teacher meetings

Step 5: How Does Your Idea Help Them?

Think about how your product or service makes their life better. This will help you explain why they should choose your idea!

Our app:

  • Makes homework less stressful and more fun
  • Helps students understand difficult subjects
  • Saves parents time in helping with homework

The Power of Asking Questions

One of the best ways to learn about your ideal customers is to ask them questions! Here are some you could ask:

  1. What’s the hardest part about [the problem your idea solves]?
  2. What would make [this task] easier or more fun for you?
  3. Where do you usually look for solutions to this problem?

A Fun Activity: Create a Customer Character!

Let’s bring your ideal customer to life! Create a character that represents your perfect fan. Give them a name, age, and personality. What do they like and dislike? What are their dreams? Drawing a picture can make this even more fun!

For our Homework Helper App, we might create “Struggling Sam”:

  • Age: 10
  • Likes: Video games, science experiments, hanging out with friends
  • Dislikes: Boring textbooks, sitting still for long periods
  • Dream: To become a famous inventor
  • Problem: Finds homework boring and hard to focus on

Think About It!

  • For your business idea, can you create a character that represents your ideal customer?
  • How could you find out more about what your ideal customers want?
  • If you could ask your ideal customers three questions, what would they be?

Remember, finding your ideal customers is like making new friends. The more you understand them, the better you can create things they’ll love!

Song: Customer Clue Crew

Verse 1:
Put on your detective hat, it’s time to investigate
Who’s your ideal customer? Let’s find out, don’t wait
What problem does your idea solve? That’s where we’ll start
Who has this issue? Time to play the smart part

We’re the Customer Clue Crew, on a mission to find
The perfect fans for your biz, the best of their kind
Learn what they like, where they go, what they do
When you know your ideal fans, your business breaks through

Verse 2:
Homework Helper App, makes studying fun and light
Students, parents, and teachers, they’re all in our sight
They love games and gadgets, spend time on their phone
Schools and learning channels, that’s where they roam


Ask them questions, create a character too
Like Struggling Sam, he’s ten and loves science, it’s true
The more you know them, the better you’ll be
At making things they love, just wait and see


So keep on detecting, find those perfect fans
Understanding their needs, that’s part of your plans
Customer Clue Crew, always on the case
Finding ideal customers, setting the pace!