The Busy World: Getting Your Idea Noticed

Remember how we talked about finding your perfect fans and getting their attention? Well, there’s something super important we need to think about: the world is a very busy place!

Everyone's Already Doing Something

Imagine you’re at a busy playground. Some kids are on the swings, others are playing tag, and a few are building sand castles. If you want to tell them about your cool new game, you’ll need to get them to stop what they’re doing first.

That’s kind of what it’s like in marketing!

Why is This Important?

  • Your potential fans are already busy doing other things.
  • They might not be looking for your idea right now.
  • You need to make your idea extra interesting to get them to look!

The Distraction Challenge

Think about all the things that keep people busy:

  • TV shows and movies
  • Video games
  • Social media and funny videos online
  • Homework and chores
  • Playing with friends

Your job is to make your idea more exciting than all of these distractions!

A Fun Example: The Singing Lemonade Stand

Let’s say you have a lemonade stand. But instead of just calling out “Lemonade for sale!”, you and your friends create a funny song and dance about your super-duper lemonade. People walking by might stop what they’re doing to watch and listen, and then want to try your lemonade!

Think About It!

  • What kinds of things keep you busy during the day?
  • If you saw a commercial on TV, what would make you stop and really pay attention?
  • How could you make your business idea so interesting that people would want to stop what they’re doing to learn more?

Remember, in our busy world, getting noticed is like being the brightest star in a sky full of stars. It’s not always easy, but with creativity and understanding your perfect fans, you can shine bright and get people excited about your idea!

Song: Bright Star Shining

Verse 1:
In a world that’s always moving, everyone’s got something to do
Swings and slides, games and rides, how do we break through?
Your perfect fans are out there, but they’re busy as can be
We’ve got to catch their eye now, make them stop and see

Shine bright like a star, in a sky full of light
Stand out from the crowd, catch their sight
Be surprising, solve a problem, make it fun
In this busy world, that’s how it’s done

Verse 2:
TV shows and video games, homework and online streams
So many distractions, how do we catch their dreams?
Like a singing lemonade stand, with a dance that’s new
Make your idea pop and fizz, they’ll come running to you


Be the “wow” in their day, the solution to their trouble
Make learning about you, as fun as popping a bubble
In this busy playground, be the game they want to play
That’s how you’ll get noticed, that’s how you’ll make your way


So remember, young marketer, in this world of endless sights
Your idea can be the one, that shines oh so bright
Be creative, understand your fans, and you will see
Your star rising high, where everyone can see!