Marketing Magic: Selling Solutions People Really Want

Remember when we talked about Core Human Drives in our value creation lesson? Well, guess what? These drives are super important in marketing too!

Let’s explore how understanding what people really want can make your marketing extra powerful!

Quick Recap: The Five Core Human Drives

  1. The Drive to Get Stuff (Acquire)
  2. The Drive to Make Friends (Bond)
  3. The Drive to Learn New Things (Learn)
  4. The Drive to Stay Safe (Defend)
  5. The Drive to Feel Good (Feel)

Marketing the End Result: It's Not Just About What Your Product Does!

When you’re telling people about your amazing product or idea, it’s tempting to talk about all the cool things it can do.

But here’s a secret: people care more about how your product will make their life better!

Example: The Super Sneakers

Let’s say you invented some awesome sneakers. Instead of just saying “These sneakers have bouncy soles and come in cool colors,” think about how they connect to the Core Human Drives:

  • Acquire: “Be the first to own the coolest new sneakers in town!”
  • Bond: “Join the Super Sneaker Club and make new friends!”
  • Learn: “Each pair comes with fun facts about famous runners!”
  • Defend: “Special grip keeps you safe on any surface!”
  • Feel: “Feel like you’re walking on clouds with every step!”

See the difference? You’re not just selling sneakers – you’re selling confidence, friendship, knowledge, safety, and happiness!

How to Use Core Human Drives in Your Marketing

  1. Think About the End Result: What will your customer’s life look like after they use your product?
  2. Connect to the Drives: Which drives does your product satisfy?
  3. Paint a Picture: Use words and images that show the amazing results of using your product.
  4. Focus on Feelings: Talk about how your product will make people feel.

Let's Practice: The Homework Helper App

Remember our Homework Helper App? Let’s market it using the Core Human Drives:

  • Acquire: “Unlock special badges as you complete assignments!”
  • Bond: “Connect with classmates for group study sessions!”
  • Learn: “Turn boring homework into exciting brain games!”
  • Defend: “Never worry about forgetting an assignment again!”
  • Feel: “Experience the joy of understanding tough subjects easily!”

Instead of just saying “This app helps with homework,” we’re showing how it makes life awesome in many ways!

Why This Matters

When you market the end result and connect with Core Human Drives:

  1. People understand why they need your product.
  2. Your marketing becomes more exciting and memorable.
  3. You show that you really understand what your customers want.

Think About It!

  • Can you think of a commercial you’ve seen that appeals to one of the Core Human Drives?
  • If you had a lemonade stand, how could you use the Core Human Drives to make people want your lemonade more?
  • Look at your favorite toy or game. How do you think its marketing connected to these drives?

Remember, great marketing isn’t just about showing what your product can do – it’s about showing how it makes people’s lives better! When you connect with what people really want, that’s when your marketing becomes truly magical!

Song: Magic Marketplace

Verse 1:
In the world of marketing, there’s a secret to know
It’s not just what your product does, but how it helps you grow
Five core drives guide us all, in everything we do
Acquire, Bond, Learn and Defend, and Feel good too

Welcome to the Magic Marketplace
Where dreams come true and solutions take shape
Don’t just sell a product, show a better life
That’s how your marketing cuts through the strife

Verse 2:
Super Sneakers aren’t just shoes, they’re a ticket to cool
Join the club, learn fun facts, stay safe as a rule
Walk on clouds with every step, feel joy in your soles
Connect with drives, watch your sales reach new goals


Think of the end result, paint a vivid scene
Connect to the drives, show what your product means
Focus on feelings, the changes they’ll see
That’s how your marketing sets your product free


So remember young wizards, as you cast your spell
It’s not just features, but dreams that you sell
In this Magic Marketplace, where drives come alive
That’s how your marketing helps your product thrive!