Perfect Timing: Knowing When to Share Your Awesome Ideas

In this next lesson we’re going to talk about something super important in marketing: perfect timing! It’s all about knowing the exact right moment to tell people about your amazing ideas. Let’s dive in!

What is Perfect Timing?

Perfect timing in marketing is like telling a joke at just the right moment to make everyone laugh. It’s about sharing your idea when people are most interested in hearing about it.

Why is Perfect Timing Important?

  1. People Listen Better: When the timing is right, people are more likely to pay attention to what you’re saying.
  2. Less Wasted Effort: You don’t waste time telling people about things they don’t need right now.
  3. Better Results: When you get the timing right, more people might want to try your idea!

Examples of Perfect Timing

The Lemonade Stand on a Hot Day

Imagine you have a lemonade stand. Would you rather sell lemonade on a cold, rainy day or a hot, sunny day? The hot day, right? That’s perfect timing!

The Homework Helper App at Back-to-School Time

Remember our Homework Helper App? The best time to tell people about it would be right when school is starting. That’s when kids and parents are thinking about homework the most!

How to Find the Perfect Timing

  1. Think About When People Need Your Idea: What’s happening in someone’s life when they would really want what you’re offering?
  2. Watch for Big Changes: Sometimes, when people’s lives change (like starting a new school), they’re more open to new ideas.
  3. Listen to Your Customers: Pay attention to when people ask about your product or similar products.

Fun Activity: The Perfect Timing Game

Let’s play a game! For each product below, think about when would be the perfect time to tell people about it:

  1. Warm, fuzzy mittens
  2. A new video game
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Halloween costumes
  5. A book about making new friends

Answers: 1. When winter is coming 2. Maybe right before summer vacation 3. At the start of summer 4. In October, before Halloween 5. At the beginning of a new school year)

Let's Add It Up!

  • Can you think of a time when you really wanted something? What was happening that made you want it?
  • If you had a new toy to sell, when do you think would be the best time to tell people about it?
  • Have you ever seen a commercial that seemed to come at just the right time for you? What was it for?

Remember, in marketing, timing is everything! When you share your awesome ideas at just the right moment, it’s like magic – people are more likely to listen and get excited about what you’re offering. So always think about the perfect time to share your amazing ideas!

Song: Clock Strikes Now

Verse 1:
In the world of marketing, there’s a secret to know
It’s not just what you say, but when you let it show
Perfect timing is the key, to catch the listening ear
When the moment’s just right, your message they’ll hear

When the clock strikes now, that’s your time to shine
Share your awesome ideas, when the stars align
Perfect timing, perfect timing, is the marketing way
Hit the right moment, and you’ll make their day

Verse 2:
Lemonade on a hot day, homework help when school’s in sight
Warm mittens in winter, sunscreen when the sun’s bright
Think about their needs, watch for big life changes too
Listen to your customers, they’ll give you a clue


It’s a game of moments, a dance with time
When you get it right, your idea will climb
Less effort wasted, better results you’ll see
Perfect timing sets your marketing free


So remember young marketers, as you spread the word
Timing is everything, make sure you’re heard
When the clock strikes now, and the moment is right
That’s when your idea will shine so bright!