Picture Perfect: Helping People Imagine Your Amazing Ideas

Remember how we talked about what people really want and their desires? Well, now we’re going to learn an awesome trick to make your marketing even more powerful.

It’s called visualization, and it’s all about helping people picture themselves using your cool product or idea!

What is Visualization in Marketing?

Visualization is like using your imagination to create a movie in your mind. In marketing, it’s about helping other people imagine how great their life would be with your product or service.

Why is Visualization Important?

  1. It Makes Things Feel Real: When people can picture themselves using something, it feels more real to them.
  2. It Connects to Feelings: Imagining using a product can make people feel excited or happy.
  3. It Helps People Understand: Sometimes, it’s easier to understand how something works when you can see it in your mind.

How to Use Visualization in Your Marketing

Let’s look at some fun ways to help people imagine your ideas:

1. Use Awesome Descriptions

Instead of just saying what your product does, describe how it feels to use it.


  • Boring: “This is a soft blanket.”
  • Exciting: “Wrap yourself in this blanket and feel like you’re floating on a fluffy cloud!”

2. Show Cool Pictures or Videos

A picture is worth a thousand words! Show people using and enjoying your product.

Example: If you’re selling a new toy robot, show a video of kids playing with it and having tons of fun.

3. Let People Try It Out

If possible, let people experience your product themselves.

Example: If you’re selling homemade cookies, offer free samples so people can taste how yummy they are.

4. Tell Amazing Stories

Share stories about how your product or service has helped others.

Example: “Sarah used our homework planner and went from struggling with math to getting an A on her test!”

5. Connect to the Core Human Drives

Remember those drives we talked about? Use them in your visualization!

Example for a new board game:

  • Acquire: “Be the first of your friends to own this cool new game!”
  • Bond: “Create awesome memories playing this game with your family.”
  • Learn: “Discover new strategies every time you play!”
  • Defend: “Protect your game pieces and outsmart your opponents!”
  • Feel: “Experience the thrill of victory with every move!”

Fun Activity: Visualization Superhero

Imagine you have a superpower that lets you put pictures in people’s minds. How would you use this power to help people imagine these products?

  1. A magic pencil that never needs sharpening
  2. Shoes that let you jump super high
  3. A backpack that can carry anything without getting heavy
  4. A hat that changes color based on your mood

Think About It!

  • Think of your favorite toy. How would you describe it to help other kids imagine playing with it?
  • If you invented a new ice cream flavor, how could you help people imagine tasting it?
  • Have you ever bought something because you could really imagine yourself using it? What made you able to picture it so well?

Remember, great marketing is like painting a picture in someone’s mind. When you help people imagine how awesome their life will be with your product or idea, they’re much more likely to want it!

So use your creativity and help your customers picture themselves loving what you're offering!

Song: Picture This!

Verse 1:
In the world of marketing, there’s a trick to know
Help them see it in their minds, watch their interest grow
Visualization is the key, to make your product shine
Paint a picture with your words, make it feel so fine

Use awesome descriptions, show cool pictures too
Let them try it out, tell stories that ring true
Connect to core drives, light up their imagination
That’s how you create, the perfect sensation

Picture this! Your idea in their mind
Picture this! Leave no detail behind
Help them feel, help them see
Your product in their reality
Picture this! And watch your sales climb

Verse 2:
A magic pencil never dull, shoes that make you fly
A backpack light as air, a hat that catches the eye
Don’t just tell them what it does, show them how it feels
When they can see themselves using it, that’s when it appeals


Be a visualization superhero, paint mind-movies so clear
Help them taste, touch, and feel, bring your product near
From boring to exciting, from distant to real close
That’s how visualization, makes your marketing compose


So remember young marketers, as you spread the word
Help them picture it clearly, make sure you’re heard
Visualization is your power, to make your idea stick
Picture this! And watch your marketing click!