The Power of Prior Knowledge: Unlocking the Potential for Learning and Growth

In the tapestry of learning, prior knowledge is the thread that weaves together the past and the present, creating a rich and interconnected foundation for growth. We recognize the immense power of prior knowledge in shaping the way we understand, process, and apply new information. 

Through our “Question More, Action Knowledge” philosophy, we aim to help learners harness the potential of their existing knowledge to enhance their learning journey.

Understanding Prior Knowledge

Prior knowledge is the sum of an individual’s experiences, skills, and understandings that they bring to any new learning situation. It is the lens through which we view and make sense of novel information, influencing how we interpret, organize, and store new concepts in our minds.

Just as each thread in a tapestry contributes to the overall design, every bit of prior knowledge – whether it’s a cherished childhood memory, a skill learned in school, or a nugget of wisdom gained from a mentor – adds to the rich and unique backdrop of our understanding.

The Interplay of Prior Knowledge and Learning

Research has shown that prior knowledge plays a crucial role in the learning process. When we encounter new information, our brains automatically search for connections to what we already know. This process of linking new ideas to existing knowledge structures allows us to create a more stable and meaningful understanding of the material.

Moreover, prior knowledge can serve as a scaffold for future learning. When we have a solid foundation in a particular subject area, we are better equipped to grasp more advanced concepts and engage in higher-order thinking. It’s like adding new layers to an existing tapestry – the richer and more intricate the base, the more stunning the final product.

Activating Prior Knowledge

However, simply possessing prior knowledge is not enough; we must actively engage with it to reap its full benefits. This is where QMAK’s approach comes into play. Our courses and materials are designed to help learners identify, activate, and apply their existing knowledge in meaningful ways.

Through thought-provoking questions, real-world examples, and hands-on activities, we encourage learners to tap into their prior experiences and make explicit connections to new ideas. This process of retrieval and elaboration not only reinforces existing knowledge but also creates a more robust and flexible network of understanding.

The Social Dimension of Prior Knowledge

Prior knowledge is not just an individual construct; it is also shaped by the social and cultural contexts in which we live. The experiences, values, and perspectives that we inherit from our families, communities, and cultures all contribute to the unique tapestry of our understanding.

We celebrate this diversity of prior knowledge and strive to create an inclusive learning environment where every learner’s background is valued and respected. By encouraging learners to share their own experiences and insights, we foster a rich and dynamic exchange of ideas that broadens everyone’s horizons.

Empowering Lifelong Learners

Ultimately, the power of prior knowledge lies in its ability to empower individuals to become lifelong learners. By recognizing and leveraging the wealth of knowledge and experiences they already possess, learners can approach new challenges with confidence, curiosity, and a growth mindset.

Consider these key points:

  • Prior knowledge and experience can be leveraged to formulate mental models, which are chunks of knowledge from different disciplines that can be simplified and applied to better understand the world. These models help identify relevant information and guide our decisions in various situations.
  • Engaging children in hands-on activities or simulations allows them to apply their prior knowledge and experience in a practical, real-world context. This active learning approach reinforces the relevance and value of their existing knowledge.
  • In our personal lives, we can use prior knowledge to identify areas for improvement, create growth plans, and track our progress. By reflecting on our past experiences and applying relevant insights, we can enhance our decision-making, problem-solving, and overall personal development.


Through our “Question More, Action Knowledge” philosophy, we aim to equip learners with the tools and strategies they need to continuously build upon their existing knowledge and skills. Whether it’s through asking probing questions, seeking out new perspectives, or applying knowledge in real-world contexts, we believe that the key to unlocking one’s full potential lies in the active and intentional cultivation of prior knowledge.

In the grand tapestry of learning, prior knowledge is the golden thread that weaves together our past, present, and future. By recognizing and harnessing the power of this invaluable resource, we can create a richer, more meaningful, and more interconnected understanding of the world around us.

We are committed to helping learners unlock the full potential of their prior knowledge and create a vibrant, dynamic, and lifelong learning journey. Join us as we explore, question, and grow together – one thread at a time.

BONUS CONTENT: Power of Prior Knowledge Song

Verse 1:
In the tapestry of learning, there’s a thread that guides the way
Prior knowledge is the key, to unlocking growth each day
It’s the lens through which we view, the world and all that’s new
A rich and unique backdrop, that shapes our understanding true

Every experience, every skill, every memory we hold
Adds to the foundation, of the stories yet untold
Linking new ideas, to what we already know
Creating meaningful connections, and letting our minds grow

Prior knowledge, the power to succeed
Building on the past, planting future’s seed
Activating what we know, to make new concepts clear
Empowering lifelong learners, to conquer every frontier

Verse 2:
In the social world around us, our knowledge is shaped too
By the values and perspectives, of the communities we construe
Diversity of insight, broadens horizons and ignites
A dynamic exchange of ideas, that sparks learning’s delights



Formulating mental models, from the knowledge we’ve acquired
Applying hands-on learning, to keep the passion fired
Reflecting on experiences, to improve and to plan
Prior knowledge is the power, to be all that we can


So let’s question more, and put our knowledge into action
Weaving past and present, for a future of attraction
In the tapestry of learning, prior knowledge is the thread
Unlocking potential, as our journey lies ahead