Unleashing Transformative Learning Through our "Question More" Philosophy

At the heart of QMAK’s educational approach lies a deceptively simple yet profoundly powerful concept: “Question More.” This pillar of our “Question More, Action Knowledge” philosophy goes far beyond merely encouraging curiosity – it’s a call to cultivate a radical mindset shift that allows for the most transformative questions to emerge.

The Barriers of Assumed Knowledge

One of the greatest obstacles to insightful questioning is our attachment to what we think we already know. We become so comfortable with our existing knowledge and assumptions that we neglect to ask the most fundamental, naive questions – the very questions that could challenge the foundations of our understanding and catalyze breakthroughs.

It is this fear of appearing ignorant that prevents us from voicing the obvious yet brilliant inquiries – the ones that can ultimately lead to paradigm shifts in learning and growth.

Championing Naive Questions

In his celebrated works “A More Beautiful Question” and “The Book of Beautiful Questions,” author Warren Berger shines a light on the immense value of naive questions – those seemingly simple or even “stupid” questions that have the power to unlock profound insights and drive progress.

At QMAK, we wholeheartedly embrace this philosophy, actively cultivating and celebrating naive questions from our learners. We understand that it is these elementary inquiries that often expose the blind spots in our knowledge and challenge the very assumptions that may be hindering true understanding.

Embracing the Beginner’s Mind

To truly harness the power of naive questions, we encourages learners to adopt the Zen Buddhist principle of “shoshin,” or “beginner’s mind.” This mindset calls on us to approach subjects with the wide-eyed curiosity and openness of a child encountering the world for the first time, free from the constraints of preconceived notions and assumptions.

By embracing a beginner’s mind, learners become more receptive to new information and less likely to dismiss unconventional or seemingly simplistic ideas. They give themselves permission to ask the most basic questions, paving the way for genuine inquiry and unexpected discoveries.

A Safe Space for Inquiry

In our courses, learners are actively encouraged to voice their most basic curiosities without fear of judgment or ridicule. We create a safe, supportive environment where naive questions are celebrated as opportunities for growth and learning, not signs of weakness or ignorance.

By fostering a culture of openness and humility, numerous benefits emerge:

  1. Clarity and Simplification: Naive questions demand clear, accessible explanations, forcing our expert instructors to break down complex concepts into understandable terms, deepening everyone’s understanding.
  2. Assumption Challenging: These fundamental inquiries have the power to expose and challenge the underlying assumptions that may be limiting our collective knowledge, opening new avenues of inquiry and progress.
  3. Permission to Rethink: In hierarchical learning environments, the presence of an outsider asking naive questions can give others permission to express their own doubts and challenge the status quo, unlocking new perspectives and ideas.

Cultivating Curiosity and Wonder

Beyond simply encouraging naive questions, QMAK’s “Question More” philosophy is about cultivating a deep sense of curiosity and wonder – an openness to “not knowing” that allows for genuine inquiry and unexpected discoveries.

We guide learners in actively questioning their assumptions, seeking out diverse perspectives, and approaching subjects with a sense of awe and fascination, as if encountering them for the first time. By suspending judgment and embracing a state of “not knowing,” we create fertile ground for truly innovative questions to take root and flourish.

A Pathway to Transformative Learning

It is in this space of openness, humility, and curiosity that the seeds of transformative learning are planted – learning that has the power to reshape our understanding, challenge paradigms, and unlock new realms of knowledge and growth.

At QMAK, we believe that by wholeheartedly embracing the beginner’s mind and the power of naive questions, we can not only enhance the educational experience for our learners but also foster a lifelong love of learning and discovery – a mindset that will serve them well beyond the confines of our courses.

Join us on this journey of “Questioning More” and unlock the boundless potential of your mind and heart. Unleash the transformative power of naive questions and embrace the beginner’s mind – the catalysts for true growth, innovation, and understanding.

BONUS CONTENT: Transformative Power of Questioning More Song

Verse 1:
We cling to what we think we know
Afraid to let our questions show
But in those simple, naive thoughts
Lie the keys to wisdom sought

Let’s break down the walls of assumption
Embrace the power of “not knowing”
In the space of openness and wonder
Transformative learning we’ll uncover

Question more, embrace the beginner’s mind
Let curiosity be your guide
In the realm of “not knowing,” we’ll find
Insights that can reshape humankind

Verse 2:
No query too basic or too small
Each holds the potential to enthrall
Challenge the status quo, seek new views
In humble questions, find the clues




Suspend your judgment, embrace the awe
Approach each subject with a sense of raw
Wonder and fascination, as if anew
In this mindset, breakthroughs will ensue



So join us on this journey of discovery
Where naive questions lead to recovery
Of childlike wonder and endless possibility
Question more, and set your mind free