The Breathing Surprise

This lesson helps children develop mindfulness and body awareness by focusing on their breath. By trying to catch their breath by surprise, children learn to pay attention to their bodily sensations and observe them without judgment. This activity also promotes relaxation and stress reduction, as focusing on the breath can help calm the mind and body. Additionally, children learn that it’s okay if they don’t succeed in noticing their breath without changing it, as both outcomes offer benefits.

Introduction script for the child:

					Hey there, young detective! Today, we're going to play a fun game called "The Breathing Surprise." In this game, we'll be trying to catch ourselves breathing without changing how we breathe. It might sound easy, but it can be quite tricky! We'll be using our detective skills to notice our breath when we least expect it. Are you ready to give it a try?

Instructions for the teacher:

1. Ask the child to sit comfortably and think about something other than their breathing for a moment. They can think about their favorite toy, a fun memory, or anything else that comes to mind.

2. After a short while, ask the child to suddenly turn their attention to their breathing, trying to notice it without changing or altering it in any way.

3. Encourage the child to observe their breath as it is, whether it’s fast or slow, deep or shallow. The goal is to catch the breath by surprise and notice it without trying to change it.

4. If the child notices that their breathing changes as soon as they pay attention to it, reassure them that this is normal and that they’re still doing great.

5. Repeat this process a few times, allowing the child to think about something else before surprising themselves by noticing their breath.

6. After a few rounds, ask the child to share their experience and any challenges they encountered.

Follow-up questions for discussion:

  1. What was it like to try to catch your breath by surprise?
  2. Did you notice your breathing change when you paid attention to it? How did it change?
  3. Why do you think it’s difficult to notice our breath without changing it?
  4. How do you feel after playing this game and paying attention to your breathing?

Follow-up resource:

To further explore the concept of mindful breathing and body awareness, consider introducing your child to the book “I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness” by Susan Verde. This beautifully illustrated book guides children through various mindfulness practices, including conscious breathing, sensory awareness, and emotional regulation. The simple, yet powerful text encourages children to find peace and calm within themselves, even amidst life’s challenges. The book also includes a guided meditation that children can practice to deepen their mindfulness skills.

Resource Read Aloud

1. What does the main character do when feeling worried or overwhelmed?
a) Yells at others
b) Takes deep breaths
c) Runs away
d) Watches TV

2. What does the book compare thoughts to?
a) Clouds in the sky
b) Fish in the sea
c) Birds in a tree
d) Cars on a road

3. What activity does the book suggest for connecting with nature?
a) Playing video games
b) Watching movies
c) Planting a seed
d) Building a fort

4. How does the book describe being in the present moment?
a) Thinking about the future
b) Worrying about the past
c) Being aware of now
d) Sleeping all day

5. What does the main character do to spread peace?
a) Argues with others
b) Shares kindness
c) Stays alone
d) Buys expensive gifts

6. What does the book say about listening?
a) It’s not important
b) Only listen to some people
c) Listen with your whole body
d) Listen only when you want to

7. How does the book suggest dealing with big emotions?
a) Ignore them
b) Get angry
c) Recognize and accept them
d) Hide them from others

8. What does the main character do to feel grounded?
a) Jumps up and down
b) Lies on the ground
c) Climbs a tree
d) Swims in a pool

9. What does the book compare the mind to when it’s peaceful?
a) A stormy sea
b) A quiet pond
c) A racing river
d) A waterfall

10. What is the main message of the book?
a) Always be busy
b) Mindfulness helps find peace
c) Ignore your feelings
d) Peace is impossible


1. b) Takes deep breaths
2. a) Clouds in the sky
3. c) Planting a seed
4. c) Being aware of now
5. b) Shares kindness
6. c) Listen with your whole body
7. c) Recognize and accept them
8. b) Lies on the ground
9. b) A quiet pond
10. b) Mindfulness helps find peace

Bonus Content: Sneaky Breath Song

Verse 1:
Think about your favorite toy
Or a day that brought you joy
Now quick! Can you feel
Your breath, so real?

In and out, soft and slow
Did you catch it? Do you know?
It’s always there, day and night
Let’s try again, hold on tight

Sneaky breath, playing hide and seek
Try to catch it, don’t you peek
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow
Your breath has its own flow

Verse 2:
Close your eyes, count to three
Now breathe in, can you see?
It might change when you look
But that’s okay, no rule book


It’s a game of cat and mouse
With the breath inside your house
Whether you catch it or not
You’re learning quite a lot


Breathe in, breathe out, just be you
Your sneaky breath will see you through
This little game helps us see
How amazing we can be