Vibrant Voices: The Mechanics of 'F' and 'V'

This lesson will build upon previous vocal exploration exercises, focusing on the ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds to further develop students’ understanding and control of their vocal mechanisms. The lesson will successfully combine theoretical knowledge of phonetics with practical, experiential learning.

In the theoretical section, students will gain insight into the production of ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds, understanding the role of teeth, lips, and vocal cord vibration in creating these consonants. This foundational knowledge will prepare them for the hands-on exercises to follow.

During the practical portion of the lesson, participants will:

  1. Develop a heightened awareness of the subtle differences between ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds
  2. Explore pitch variation and its effect on vocal production
  3. Gain a deeper understanding of laryngeal movement and its role in sound production
  4. Practice controlling breath flow and abdominal engagement while vocalizing
  5. Experiment with various techniques to modulate their voice with greater ease and efficiency

By integrating scientific understanding with experiential learning, students will achieve a more nuanced comprehension of vocal modulation and control. This approach will foster a deeper connection between students and their vocal instruments, enhancing their ability to manipulate pitch, intensity, and sound quality.

The lesson will lay the groundwork for improved vocal technique, greater expressive range, and a more profound appreciation for the complexity of voice production. Students will leave with enhanced self-awareness and practical tools to continue developing their vocal skills, setting the stage for more confident and authentic vocal expression in various contexts.

Science Lesson: Unraveling the Mysteries of 'F' and 'V' Sounds

Science Class: Introduction (Teacher's Script):

					Hello again, young explorers! In our last lesson, we discovered the science behind 'S' and 'Z' sounds. Today, we'll be diving into the fascinating world of 'F' and 'V' sounds. These sounds are not only important in English but also in many other languages around the world. Get ready to learn how our mouth, teeth, and voice work together to create these unique sounds!

Have you ever noticed how some sounds are similar but not quite the same? That's the case with 'F' and 'V' sounds. Let's find out what makes them different!

First, let's watch a short video that demonstrates how to make these sounds.

[Play video: "English Sounds - F [f] and V [v] Consonants - How to make the F and V Consonants" by Rachel's English ]

Now that we've seen how it's done, let's break it down step by step.

1. To make the 'F' sound, your top teeth touch your bottom lip, and your tongue stays behind your bottom teeth.
2. Air passes through the small gap between your top teeth and bottom lip, creating a soft, hissing sound.
3. Your vocal cords do not vibrate when making the 'F' sound, which is why it's called an unvoiced or voiceless sound.
4. To make the 'V' sound, your mouth and tongue are in the same position as for the 'F' sound, but with one key difference.
5. When making the 'V' sound, your vocal cords vibrate, creating a buzzing sound. That's why 'V' is called a voiced sound.

[Display diagram (below): A front view of the mouth, showing the position of the teeth, lips, and tongue for the 'F' and 'V' sounds.]

Take a look at this diagram. Can you see how the top teeth touch the bottom lip for both sounds? The main difference is what's happening with your vocal cords. For the 'V' sound, they are vibrating, while for the 'F' sound, they remain still.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that the 'F' and 'V' sounds can change the meaning of words in English? For example, "fan" and "van" or "fine" and "vine" are different words because of the 'F' and 'V' sounds. Pretty interesting, right?



Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s the main difference between how we make the ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds?
  2. Why is the ‘F’ sound called voiceless and the ‘V’ sound called voiced?
  3. Can you think of any words that sound different because of the ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds?
  4. Why do you think it’s important to learn about how we make different sounds?
  5. Can you feel your vocal cords vibrating when you make the ‘V’ sound? Give it a try!

Science Class: Closing (Teacher's Script):

					Wow, we've learned so much about the 'F' and 'V' sounds today! It's amazing how small changes in our mouth and throat can create different sounds and even change the meaning of words. In our next lesson, we'll practice making these sounds and explore how they can help us improve our vocal control. Get ready to become an expert in 'F' and 'V' sounds!

Guided Exercise: The Mechanics of 'F' and 'V'

Introduction (Teacher's Script):

					Welcome back, everyone! In our previous lessons, we explored the connection between breathing, sound production, and vocal control. Today, we'll be focusing on two new sounds: 'F' and 'V'. These sounds might seem simple, but they offer a whole new realm of exploration and learning. Through our exercises, we'll discover how these sounds can help us improve our vocal modulation and control. 

Remember, this is a journey of self-discovery, so let's approach it with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity!


					Before we start, let's record a vocal reference so that we can compare the quality of your voice now with it at the end of the lesson.

Let's pretend you are hired as the professional voice talent for a fictional audiobook.

Here is your paragraph.

"In the quiet evening, the small waves gently talked to the sandy beach. Each word was clear and floated easily through the cool air. As I listened, the soft sounds of the waves mixed with the whispering leaves, making a beautiful song that made me feel calm and happy about the world around us."

Let's say it a couple more times and listen to how your voice resonates.

What kind of action is involved if you decide to say it louder?
What changes in your torso, breathing, face?
How loud can you get without straining?
And how would you know if you're straining?

Now, observe what is involved in saying it really quietly.
What happens to your breath?
What happens to the muscles of your throat, your jaw, your face?

Notice if the sounds flow smoothly together or if they're a bit disconnected and choppy.
What is the connection between the flow of the breath and the flow of the sounds?

Pay attention to the relationship between the amount of air that you store in your lungs and the requirement of speaking out the entire paragraph.

Don't worry if you can't find the answers right now.
What's important is that you look for the answers.

Record yourself on a phone or computer saying this paragraph and once you're done lets begin the lesson.


1. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

2. Breathe in and out through your mouth.

3. Make a sustained ‘F’ sound during exhalation, focusing on the consistency and length of the sound. Practice this for about 5 minutes.

As you make the ‘F’ sound, pay attention to the sensation of the air passing through your lips and teeth. Notice how your breath supports the sound.

4. Next, transition to making a ‘V’ sound during exhalation, noticing similarities and differences compared to the ‘F’ sound. Spend about 7 minutes exploring this.

When you switch to the ‘V’ sound, what changes do you feel in your mouth and throat? How does the vibration of your vocal cords differ from the ‘F’ sound?

5. Experiment with varying the pitch of the ‘V’ sound, starting at a comfortable mid-range and moving to a lower range. Do this for about 4 minutes.

6. Play with the pitch, allowing your voice to travel towards higher or lower ranges. Explore this for about 2 minutes.

7. Use your fingertips to feel the larynx in the front of your throat, sensing the vibration and movement when making the ‘V’ sound. Do this for about 4 minutes.

8. Alternate quickly between ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds, noticing any tension or movement in your throat. Practice this for about 1 minute.

9. Vary the intensity and pitch of both sounds, observing changes in breath flow, abdominal movement, and chest sensation. Spend about 3 minutes on this.

10. Experiment with making your abdomen fuller and rounder while exhaling with a loud ‘V’ sound for about 2 minutes.

11. Try making a loud ‘V’ sound while flattening your stomach and pulling your abdomen in, expanding your chest. Practice this for about 2 minutes.

12. Observe the effects of seesaw movements between your abdomen and chest while making sustained ‘V’ sounds for about 1 minute.

13. Focus on minimizing effort in your jaws, tongue, throat, and torso during breathing and vocalizing. Do this for about 1 minute.

14. Experiment with raising the pitch of the ‘V’ sound slowly, using your fingertips to feel changes in your larynx. Spend about 2 minutes on this.

As you raise the pitch, notice what happens in your larynx. Does it feel like it’s moving upward? Explore this sensation.

15. Investigate whether lifting your larynx is necessary when changing pitch. Take about 2 minutes for this.

16. Try raising the pitch of your voice without raising your larynx, possibly involving your abdomen to support exhalation. Practice this for about 2 minutes.

17. Rest and observe your breathing, feeling sensations in your face, mouth, lips, tongue, throat, chest, and abdomen for about 1 minute.

18. Roll to your side, sit up slowly, and then stand, noticing any changes in posture and sensations. Take about 1 minute for this transition.

Discussion Questions

These questions can be asked during the activity or at the conclusion.

  1. Can you feel the difference in your throat when making ‘F’ and ‘V’ sounds?
  2. Do you notice how the pitch changes affect your breath and vocal effort?
  3. Are you aware of the movement in your larynx when altering pitch and volume?
  4. How does keeping your larynx stationary affect your ability to change pitch?
  5. What new insights did you gain about vocal modulation and control during this session?
					Remember the audio recording we did before the start of the lesson?

Here is the paragraph again.

"In the quiet evening, the small waves gently talked to the sandy beach. Each word was clear and floated easily through the cool air. As I listened, the soft sounds of the waves mixed with the whispering leaves, making a beautiful song that made me feel calm and happy about the world around us."

Recite it a few times in a standing position.  Pay attention to flow of breath and how whether or not the sounds are smoother and more effortless.

Play around with volumes and go over the questions review the questions you might not have had the answers to before the first time.

Finally, record yourself saying the paragraph and once you're done, compare the quality of your voice now relative to the quality you had before doing this lesson.


Closing (Teacher's Script):

					Fantastic work today, everyone! You've just taken another big step in mastering vocal modulation and control. Take a moment to reflect on the sensations you experienced during the exercises and any new insights you gained about your voice. 

Remember, by becoming more aware of the subtle nuances in sound production and practicing conscious control, you can expand your vocal range and express yourself with greater ease and confidence. Keep exploring, stay curious, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of unlocking your full vocal potential!