Facial Harmony: Fine-Tuning Articulation

This lesson will build upon previous vocal exercises, focusing on facial awareness and coordination to enhance students’ understanding and control of their articulatory mechanisms. The lesson will successfully integrate theoretical knowledge of facial anatomy with practical, experiential learning.

In the theoretical section, students will gain insight into the structure and function of facial muscles involved in speech production. They will learn about the interconnected roles of lips, cheeks, jaw, tongue, and breathing in creating articulate sounds. This foundational knowledge will prepare them for the hands-on exercises to follow.

During the practical portion of the lesson, participants will:

  1. Develop heightened awareness of their facial muscles and their role in articulation
  2. Explore the connection between breath control and facial movements
  3. Practice precise control of lip movements, particularly in producing the ‘P’ sound
  4. Gain insight into the symmetry and asymmetry of their facial muscle function
  5. Experience the subtle interplay between effort and ease in facial movements during speech

By combining anatomical understanding with experiential exercises, students will achieve a more nuanced comprehension of facial coordination in speech production. This approach will foster a deeper connection between students and their articulatory mechanisms, enhancing their ability to control and refine their speech production.

The lesson will lay the groundwork for improved articulation, greater expressive range, and a more profound appreciation for the complexity of facial muscle coordination in speech. Students will leave with enhanced self-awareness and practical tools to continue developing their facial muscle control, setting the stage for clearer, more precise, and more expressive communication in various contexts.

Science Lesson: Discovering the Wonders of Facial Muscles

Science Class: Introduction (Teacher's Script):

					Welcome back, curious learners! In our previous lessons, we explored various sounds and how we make them. Today, we'll be focusing on something equally fascinating: our facial muscles and how they help us speak clearly. Through a series of fun exercises, we'll learn about the connection between our face, breath, and voice. Get ready to discover the incredible ways our facial muscles work together to create the sounds we make!

Have you ever wondered how we make different facial expressions or pronounce words clearly? It all comes down to the amazing muscles in our face! Let's find out how they work.

First, let's watch a fun video that introduces us to facial muscles.

[Play video: "MUSCLES OF FACIAL EXPRESSION AND MASTICATION SONG" by Neural Academy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN5SDUNhQyU ]

Now that we've seen the key players, let's dive deeper into how they work together.

1. Our lips, cheeks, and jaw are all important for shaping sounds. For example, when we make the 'P' sound, our lips press together and then release, creating a small puff of air.
2. The tongue is also crucial for speech. It moves around in our mouth, touching our teeth and the roof of our mouth to create different sounds.
3. Our vocal cords, located in the larynx (or voice box), vibrate to create sound. The sound then travels up through our throat and mouth, where our facial muscles shape it into the words we speak.
4. Breathing is another important factor. We use air from our lungs to make sounds, and our facial muscles control how that air is released.

[Display diagram (below): A front view of the face, showing the main muscles involved in speech production, such as the orbicularis oris (lips), buccinator (cheeks), and masseter (jaw).]

Take a look at this diagram. Can you see how many muscles are working together when we speak? It's like a well-choreographed dance, with each muscle playing its part to create clear, articulate sounds.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that exercising our facial muscles can help us speak more clearly and expressively? Just like any other muscle in our body, our facial muscles can be strengthened and trained through practice.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Which facial muscles do you think are most important for speech?
  2. How does the tongue help us make different sounds?
  3. What role does breathing play in speech production?
  4. Why do you think it’s important to exercise our facial muscles?
  5. Can you feel your facial muscles moving when you make different sounds? Try making the ‘P’ sound and see if you can feel your lips pressing together!

Science Class: Closing (Teacher's Script):

					Wow, who knew there was so much happening in our faces when we speak? The next time you talk to someone, remember the incredible work your facial muscles are doing to help you communicate. In our upcoming lesson, we'll practice some fun exercises to help us become more aware of these muscles and how to use them effectively. Get ready to give your face a workout!

Guided Exercise: Facial Harmony

Introduction (Teacher's Script):

					Hello everyone! Today, we're going to embark on a fascinating exploration of facial coordination and awareness. Through a series of gentle exercises, we'll discover how our lips and facial muscles play a crucial role in producing articulated sounds. This lesson will help us develop a deeper understanding of the connection between our breath, facial movements, and vocal control. 

Remember, this is a process of self-discovery, so let's approach it with curiosity and an open mind. Are you ready to dive in?


					Before we start, let's record a vocal reference so that we can compare the quality of your voice now with it at the end of the lesson.

Let's pretend you are hired as the professional voice talent for a fictional audiobook.

Here is your paragraph.

"In the quiet evening, the small waves gently talked to the sandy beach. Each word was clear and floated easily through the cool air. As I listened, the soft sounds of the waves mixed with the whispering leaves, making a beautiful song that made me feel calm and happy about the world around us."

Let's say it a couple more times and listen to how your voice resonates.

What kind of action is involved if you decide to say it louder?
What changes in your torso, breathing, face?
How loud can you get without straining?
And how would you know if you're straining?

Now, observe what is involved in saying it really quietly.
What happens to your breath?
What happens to the muscles of your throat, your jaw, your face?

Notice if the sounds flow smoothly together or if they're a bit disconnected and choppy.
What is the connection between the flow of the breath and the flow of the sounds?

Pay attention to the relationship between the amount of air that you store in your lungs and the requirement of speaking out the entire paragraph.

Don't worry if you can't find the answers right now.
What's important is that you look for the answers.

Record yourself on a phone or computer saying this paragraph and once you're done lets begin the lesson.


1. Begin by bending both knees, placing your feet flat on the ground, separated about hip-width apart.

2. Pay attention to the contact of your head with the floor and guess the weight of your head.

Take a moment to feel the sensation of your head resting on the floor. How heavy do you think your head is? This is just a guess, so don’t worry about being right or wrong.

3. Roll your head slightly to the right and left, keeping the pressure against the floor constant. Do this for about 2 minutes.

4. Make small, slow head movements to detect any pressure variations. Spend about 2 minutes on this.

5. Pay attention to your breathing, noticing the movement of your ribs and abdomen for about 2 minutes.

6. Think about the movement of your torso, focusing on the sides and back. Do this for about 2 minutes.

7. Stop rolling your head, lower your knees, and rest on your back for about 1 minute.

8. Bend your knees again, with your feet hip-width apart, and open your mouth comfortably wide. Take about 1 minute for this.

9. Breathe in and out through your mouth, ensuring that the air flows quietly for about 1 minute.

10. Articulate the sound ‘P’ during exhalation, without using your vocal folds. Practice this for about 3 minutes.

As you make the ‘P’ sound, pay attention to how your lips move. Notice the gentle puff of air that comes out as you release the sound.

11. Stop the airflow by closing your lips, then release to produce a small explosive sound. Do this for about 1 minute.

12. Make the ‘P’ sound repeatedly, observing the relationship between your lip movement and the expulsion of air. Practice this for about 2 minutes.

13. Avoid forcing the air out; aim for quieter, minimal-effort sounds. Focus on this for about 2 minutes.

14. Notice if your lips work evenly and if other facial muscles are involved. Observe this for about 2 minutes.

15. Pause, lower your legs, and rest, focusing on the sensations in your face and mouth for about 1 minute.

16. Bend your knees, breathe through your mouth, and silently repeat the ‘P’ sound for about 2 minutes.

17. Try shifting the ‘P’ sound to the right and then the left corner of your mouth. Practice this for about 2 minutes.

18. Observe any differences in ease and responsiveness of each side of your face for about 2 minutes.

19. Shape your upper lip with your fingers, imagining you’re molding clay, aiming for a bell shape. Spend about 2 minutes on this.

20. Repeat the shaping movement gently multiple times for about 1 minute.

21. Repeat the same shaping process with your lower lip for about 1 minute.

22. Rest and notice any changed perception of your lips and face for about 1 minute.

23. Resume making the ‘P’ sound, observing the movement of your lips. Do this for about 1 minute.

24. Focus on the coordination and control of your facial movements for about 1 minute.

25. Continue breathing exercises, aiming for ease and minimal effort. Practice this for about 1 minute.

26. Rest, feeling for any changes in facial sensation and comparing both sides of your face. Take about 1 minute for this.

Discussion Questions

These questions can be asked during the activity or at the conclusion.

  1. Guess the weight of your head.

  2. Can you keep the pressure constant as you roll your head?

  3. Do you notice any small variations in pressure?

  4. Can you breathe quietly without obstructions?

  5. Can you notice the relationship between closing and opening your lips and the way the air comes out?

  6. Are you forcing the air out?

  7. Do your lips work evenly?

  8. Which parts of your vocal apparatus need to participate to make these sounds?

  9. How do you go about making the explosions on the right corner of your mouth?

  10. Is it easier or more difficult to place the explosions on the left side of your mouth?

  11. What would you need to do to make it easy on both sides?

					Remember the audio recording we did before the start of the lesson?

Here is the paragraph again.

"In the quiet evening, the small waves gently talked to the sandy beach. Each word was clear and floated easily through the cool air. As I listened, the soft sounds of the waves mixed with the whispering leaves, making a beautiful song that made me feel calm and happy about the world around us."

Recite it a few times in a standing position.  Pay attention to flow of breath and how whether or not the sounds are smoother and more effortless.

Play around with volumes and go over the questions review the questions you might not have had the answers to before the first time.

Finally, record yourself saying the paragraph and once you're done, compare the quality of your voice now relative to the quality you had before doing this lesson.


Closing (Teacher's Script):

					Great work today, everyone! You've just taken a big step in understanding the intricate connection between your facial muscles, breath, and vocal control. Take a moment to reflect on the sensations you experienced during the exercises and any new insights you gained about your face and voice. 

Remember, by becoming more aware of the subtle movements in your face and practicing conscious control, you can enhance your vocal expression and articulation. Keep exploring, stay curious, and most importantly, enjoy the process of discovering your vocal potential!