IdeaSpark Challenges

IdeaSpark Challenges is an exciting new tool designed to ignite creativity and innovation in young minds. Inspired by the proven SCAMPER method (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse), these interactive digital cards take brainstorming to a whole new level. 

Each challenge card presents a unique prompt that encourages children to think outside the box, question assumptions, and approach problems from fresh angles. Whether you’re a student looking to boost your problem-solving skills, a teacher aiming to inspire your class, or a young innovator with big dreams, IdeaSpark Challenges offers a fun and engaging way to flex your creative muscles. 

To get the most out of these challenges, approach each card with an open mind, don’t be afraid to come up with wild ideas, and remember that in creative thinking, there are no wrong answers – only stepping stones to brilliant innovations. Dive into the world of IdeaSpark Challenges and watch your ideas bloom into incredible possibilities!

While non-gold members cannot access all the challenge cards individually –  all 45 cards are in our randomized selector below and could lead to the exact breakthrough you need!


These five exciting prompts will help you reimagine everyday objects and ideas by swapping out their parts, materials, or even entire concepts. From transforming products to seeing problems through fresh eyes, you’ll learn to shake up the status quo and discover innovative solutions. 

Get ready to swap, switch, and substitute your way to brilliance! Whether you’re redesigning familiar items or tackling complex issues, these challenges will train your mind to see endless possibilities in the art of substitution.


These five innovative prompts will spark your creativity by encouraging you to blend different ideas, objects, or concepts in unexpected ways. From merging seemingly unrelated elements to creating powerful combinations, you’ll learn how to synthesize unique solutions and invent entirely new concepts. 

Prepare to think like a master chef of ideas, mixing ingredients from various ‘worlds’ to cook up something extraordinary! Whether you’re fusing simple objects or complex theories, these challenges will train your mind to see connections and create synergies you never imagined possible.


These five adaptive prompts will flex your creative muscles, teaching you to mold and reshape ideas to fit new contexts. From tweaking existing solutions to applying nature’s wisdom to human problems, you’ll learn the art of creative adaptation.

Get ready to become an idea chameleon, changing colors to match any environment! Whether you’re adjusting a simple tool for a new use or reimagining entire systems, these challenges will train your mind to see adaptability as a superpower. Prepare to bend, twist, and reshape concepts in ways you never thought possible!

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While the ‘M’ in SCAMPER typically stands for Modify, we’ve expanded this concept to include Magnify, igniting even more creativity and innovation. These ten electrifying prompts will teach you to amplify, alter, and reimagine concepts in powerful ways. From super-sizing features to making subtle tweaks, you’ll learn how small changes can lead to big impacts and how thinking bigger can break through limitations. 

Get ready to be both a magnifying glass and a shape-shifter for ideas! Whether you’re amplifying the strengths of a product or modifying the approach to a complex problem, these challenges will train your mind to see every aspect of an idea as an opportunity for improvement and innovation. Prepare to stretch, shrink, tweak, and transform your way to groundbreaking solutions!

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These five innovative prompts will train you to see beyond the obvious and discover exciting new applications for familiar things. From reimagining waste as a valuable resource to finding surprising new functions for common items, you’ll learn to think like an inventor who can transform anything into something extraordinary. 

Get ready to be a master of repurposing, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary! Whether you’re giving new life to discarded materials or finding unexpected uses for well-known concepts, these challenges will sharpen your ability to see potential in everything around you.  Prepare to push the boundaries of conventional thinking and uncover a world of possibilities hiding in plain sight!

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These five streamlining prompts will teach you the art of subtraction, showing you how less can often lead to more. From cutting unnecessary components to focusing on core essentials, you’ll learn to distill ideas to their most powerful form. 

Get ready to be a minimalist mastermind, trimming away the excess to reveal hidden elegance and efficiency! Whether you’re simplifying a complex process or stripping a product down to its bare essentials, these challenges will train your mind to identify what truly matters. Prepare to challenge assumptions about what’s necessary, overcome obstacles by removing them entirely, and uncover elegant solutions by focusing on what’s truly essential. In the world of innovation, sometimes the best addition is subtraction!

This premium content is locked to gold members only. To access please upgrade your account here.


We’ve expanded the ‘R’ in SCAMPER to include both Rearrange and Reverse, doubling your toolkit for transformative thinking. These ten mind-bending prompts will teach you to shuffle, flip, and invert ideas in ways you never imagined. From rearranging components to completely reversing perspectives, you’ll learn how changing the order or direction of things can lead to breakthrough innovations.

Get ready to be both a master puzzle-solver and a perspective flipper! Whether you’re reorganizing a familiar process or turning a problem on its head, these challenges will train your mind to see every arrangement as flexible and every assumption as reversible. Prepare to mix up the status quo, work backwards from your goals, and discover how a simple change in sequence or a complete reversal of thinking can unlock extraordinary solutions. In the realm of creativity, sometimes the path forward is to go in reverse, and the best new order comes from disorder!

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