Make a Product: Creating Things People Want to Buy

Remember when we talked about different ways to create value? One of the coolest ways is to make a product! Let’s learn more about what that means and how you can do it.

What is a Product?

A product is something you can make and sell. It’s usually something people can touch, hold, or use. 

Some examples are:

  • Toys
  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Books
  • Even digital things like video games or apps!

Why Making Products is Awesome

  1. You can make lots of them: Once you know how to make your product, you can make many copies of it to sell.
  2. People can keep and use them: Unlike a service (like walking a dog), people get to keep and use your product.
  3. You can sell them anywhere: You can sell your products at a store, online, or even at a school fair!

How to Make a Great Product

  1. Find out what people want: Ask your friends and family what kind of things they’d like to buy.
  2. Make it special: Think about how to make your product different from others.
  3. Make it well: Practice making your product until it’s really good.
  4. Make it look nice: People like products that look cool or have nice packaging.
  5. Price it right: Make sure the price is fair for you and the people buying it.

Example: Let's Make Friendship Bracelets!

Imagine you want to sell friendship bracelets. Here’s how you could do it:

  1. Find out what people want: Ask your friends what colors and styles they like.
  2. Make it special: Maybe you could add cool charms or make bracelets that glow in the dark!
  3. Make it well: Practice your bracelet-making skills until they look awesome.
  4. Make it look nice: Put each bracelet in a pretty little bag with a thank-you note.
  5. Price it right: Figure out how much the materials cost and how long it takes to make each bracelet, then decide on a fair price.

Things to Think About

  • How many can you make?: Making more products can help you sell more, but make sure you can make enough without getting too tired.
  • Where will you keep them?: You’ll need a place to store your products until they’re sold.
  • How will you get them to people?: Think about how you’ll give or send your products to the people who buy them.

Your Turn to Think!

  • What kind of product would you like to make?

  • Who do you think would want to buy it?

  • How could you make your product extra special?

Remember, the best products are ones that people really want and that you enjoy making. Happy creating!

Song: Maker's Magic

Verse 1:
Got an idea, brewing in my mind
Gonna make a product, one of a kind
Toys or clothes, food or games
Making things, that’s our aim

Ask what people want, make it special too
Quality and looks, that’s what we’ll do

Maker’s magic, in our hands
Creating products across the lands
From bracelets to apps, we’ll make ’em all
Answer the maker’s call
Craft it, shape it, let it grow
Maker’s magic, watch it glow

Verse 2:
Find the right price, make it fair
Package it nice, show you care
Sell it here, sell it there
Online, in stores, everywhere


How many can you make?
Where will you keep your stock?
Solve these puzzles, piece by piece
Your product journey’s gonna rock


Maker’s magic, it’s in you
Create with love, your dreams come true