Create a Subscription: Give People Something Cool Again and Again

Remember when we talked about different ways to create value? Another exciting way is to create a subscription! Let’s learn more about what that means and how you can do it.

What is a Subscription?

A subscription is when people pay you regularly (like every month) to get something special from you again and again. It’s like a promise to keep giving them something cool. 

Some examples are:

  • A monthly box of fun craft supplies
  • Weekly online drawing lessons
  • A monthly comic book delivery
  • Access to a special game or app that updates regularly

Why Creating Subscriptions is Awesome

  1. People get excited regularly: Your subscribers look forward to getting something new from you all the time!
  2. You know how much money you’ll make: Since people pay regularly, you can plan better.
  3. You build friendships with your customers: You get to know what they like and can make things even better for them.

How to Create a Great Subscription

  • Think of something people want often: It should be something they’d be happy to get again and again.
  • Make it special each time: Try to include surprises or new things to keep it exciting.
  • Decide how often and how much: Figure out how often you’ll give people stuff and how much they should pay.
  • Keep making it better: Always think of ways to make your subscription even cooler.
  • Make it easy to subscribe: Help people sign up and pay easily.

Example: Let's Start a Monthly Mystery Book Club!

Imagine you love reading and want to start a book subscription for kids. Here’s how you could do it:

  1. Something people want often: Kids love getting new books to read!
  2. Make it special: Each month, send a mystery book with a fun activity related to the story.
  3. Decide details: Maybe $10 per month for one book and activity kit.
  4. Keep improving: Ask kids what books they liked best and find similar ones. Maybe add bookmarks or stickers sometimes.
  5. Easy sign-up: Create a simple form for parents to fill out and pay online or in person.

Things to Think About

  • Keep your promises: Always send out the subscriptions when you say you will.
  • Listen to your subscribers: Ask them what they like and don’t like to make your subscription better.
  • Be ready to grow: Think about what you’ll do if lots of people want your subscription!

Your Turn to Think!

  • What kind of subscription would you like to create?
  • Who do you think would want to subscribe?
  • How could you make your subscription extra special each time?

Remember, a great subscription keeps people happy and excited month after month. What can you create that people will love getting again and again?

Song: Subscription Sensation

Verse 1:
Every month, a special treat
Arriving right on time, oh so sweet
Craft supplies or comics new
Mystery books, just for you

Sign up once, joy repeats
Subscription magic can’t be beat

Subscription sensation, coming your way
Excitement delivered, day after day
A promise of wonder, again and again
Making memories, now and then
Keep it fresh, keep it fun
Subscription sensation has just begun

Verse 2:
Know your crowd, hear what they say
Improve your offer every day
Easy to join, easy to pay
Bringing smiles in every way


Grow your idea, watch it thrive
Keep your promises, keep it alive
Surprises waiting, sealed with care
Subscription love is in the air


Subscription sensation, here to stay
Creating value, the recurring way