Active Reading

True learning happens when curiosity is nurtured, questions are encouraged, and knowledge is applied in meaningful ways. Our “Question More, Action Knowledge” philosophy emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with information and seeking deeper understanding.

Explore the different active reading styles we promote and discover how they can enhance your child’s learning journey:

Elementary Reading
Elementary reading focuses on the first steps of reading, learning the basics, and establishing initial skills. Early childhood is a crucial time to lay the groundwork for reading success.

Inspectional Reading
Inspectional reading emphasizes speed and timeliness, aiming to gain a quick overview of a book’s structure and content within a short timeframe. It involves systematic skimming and superficial reading.

Analytical Reading
Analytical reading involves breaking down a book into its components to comprehend its structure, arguments, and meaning fully.

Critical Reading
Critical reading encourages questioning and evaluating the author’s ideas, arguments, and evidence, promoting independent thinking and critical analysis.

Intrinsic Reading
Intrinsic reading focuses on understanding the text on its own terms, without relying on external aids or references, developing comprehension skills and self-reliance.

Extrinsic Reading
Extrinsic reading examines a text in relation to other works, incorporating outside sources to gain additional information, clarify concepts, and make connections across texts.

Syntopical Reading
Syntopical reading involves reading multiple books on the same subject, comparing perspectives, defining issues, and constructing a comprehensive analysis of the topic.

Imaginative Reading
Imaginative reading explores literary works by immersing oneself in the story, characters, and artistic elements, fostering empathy, creativity, and an appreciation for literature.

Mastering these active reading styles is essential for nurturing curious, critical, and independent learners who are not just consumers of information but active seekers of knowledge and understanding.

Explore our resources and embark on a transformative journey of reading, questioning, and applying knowledge in meaningful ways.