Doing What You Love and What Others Need

Imagine you’re starting a lemonade stand. You want it to be fun and also make some money. Let’s learn how to do both!

Two Opposite Ways of Thinking

1. The Money-Only Way

  • This is like only caring about making money from your lemonade stand.
  • You might not enjoy it and might not make the best lemonade.

2. The Fun-Only Way

  • This is like only caring about having fun with your stand.
  • You might make weird flavors no one wants to buy!

The Problems with These Ways

Money-Only Problems:

  • You might get bored quickly.
  • You might not care if people really like your lemonade.
  • It might not feel very rewarding.

Fun-Only Problems:

  • You might make lemonade that no one wants to buy.
  • Your stand might not make enough money to keep going.

The Best Way: The Sweet Spot!

The best way is to find a balance between having fun and making money. We call this “The Sweet Spot”!

Here’s how to find it:

  1. Choose something you enjoy:
    • Pick a project you really like. Maybe you love making lemonade!
  2. Make sure others want it:
    • Check if people in your neighborhood want lemonade.
  3. Do it well:
    • Make the best lemonade you can!
  4. Be fair:
    • Charge a fair price that makes people happy and helps your stand grow.

Why The Sweet Spot is Great

  • You have fun doing your project.
  • People get something they want.
  • You can keep your project going because it makes enough money.
  • You feel good about what you’re doing!

Think About It

  • What’s something you enjoy doing that others might like too?
  • How could you turn that into a fun project that also helps people?

Remember: The best projects make you happy AND make others happy too!

Song: Sweet Spot Lemonade

Verse 1:
Squeezing lemons, having fun
But gotta make some money, hon
Can’t just do it for the cash
Or make a weird lemon mash
There’s a place where fun meets need
Where passion and profit both succeed
In the sweet spot, that’s where we’ll be
Mixing love and necessity
Make it good and make it fair
Show the world how much you care
In the sweet spot, watch us grow
That’s where the best ideas flow
Verse 2:
Choose a thing that makes you smile
But check if folks want it meanwhile
Do it well with all your heart
Fair prices set you apart
What’s your lemonade gonna be?
What makes you happy and others see?
Find that balance, make it last
Your sweet spot’s gonna be a blast!
In the sweet spot, dreams come true
Doing what you love and helping too