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Expanding and Contracting Awareness

This game helps children develop mindfulness, self-awareness, and the ability to control their focus.

By practicing expanding and contracting their awareness, children learn that they can choose what to pay attention to and how to be present in the moment.

This skill can help them manage stress, improve concentration, and increase their overall well-being.

Introduction script for the child:

					Hey there! 

Today, we're going to play a fun game called "Expanding and Contracting Awareness." 

This game will help us understand how our minds work and how we can pay attention to different things around us. 

We'll be using our imagination and focusing on various parts of our body and thoughts. 

Are you ready to give it a try?


Instructions for the teacher:

1. Have the child sit comfortably in a quiet space.

2. Ask the child to close their eyes and take a few deep breaths.


3. Guide the child to focus their attention on one small part of their body, like a toe. Encourage them to notice how it feels and any sensations they might experience.

4. After a few moments, ask the child to slowly expand their awareness to include more parts of their body, such as their foot, leg, and so on, until they are aware of their entire body.


5. Next, have the child focus on a single thought in their mind. Ask them to observe the thought without judging it.

6. Gradually, guide the child to expand their awareness to include more thoughts, feelings, and sensations, such as sounds in the room or the feeling of the air on their skin.


7. Encourage the child to play with the speed of expanding and contracting their awareness, going back and forth between focusing on a single thing and being aware of everything around them.

8. Finally, ask the child to open their eyes and take a moment to notice how they feel.


Follow-up questions for discussion:

  1. What was it like to focus on just one small part of your body or a single thought?
  2. How did it feel to expand your awareness to include more things around you?
  3. Did you find it easier to focus on something small or to be aware of many things at once?
  4. What do you think this game can teach us about paying attention and being present in the moment?

Follow-up resource:

Resource Read Aloud

A great book to further explore the concept of mindfulness and awareness for children is “Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused Anytime, Anywhere” by Kira Willey

This book offers simple and fun mindfulness activities that children can practice to develop their awareness and manage their emotions.

1. What is the main purpose of the exercises in this book?
a) To improve physical fitness
b) To teach mindfulness and calm
c) To help kids sleep better
d) To improve math skills

2. How many “mindful moments” does the book contain?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40

3. What animal is mentioned in the title of the book?
a) Lion
b) Elephant
c) Bear
d) Owl

4. Which of these is likely to be a breathing exercise in the book?
a) Running like a cheetah
b) Jumping like a kangaroo
c) Floating like a cloud
d) Swimming like a fish

5. When can kids use these mindfulness techniques?
a) Only at bedtime
b) Only at school
c) Only when they’re upset
d) Anytime, anywhere

6. What might a “balloon breath” exercise involve?
a) Popping balloons
b) Imagining inflating a balloon in your belly
c) Holding your breath as long as possible
d) Breathing only through your mouth

7. What is a possible benefit of practicing these exercises?
a) Becoming invisible
b) Never feeling any emotions
c) Feeling more focused and calm
d) Always being happy

8. What kind of “body scan” might the book suggest?
a) A medical X-ray
b) A security check
c) A mindful awareness of different body parts
d) A race to touch your toes

9. How might the book suggest imagining your thoughts?
a) As heavy rocks you can’t move
b) As leaves floating down a stream
c) As loud sirens you can’t turn off
d) As math problems you must solve

10. What is a key element in most of the book’s exercises?
a) Running fast
b) Talking loudly
c) Breathing mindfully
d) Eating healthy foods

1. b) To teach mindfulness and calm
2. c) 30
3. c) Bear
4. c) Floating like a cloud
5. d) Anytime, anywhere
6. b) Imagining inflating a balloon in your belly
7. c) Feeling more focused and calm
8. c) A mindful awareness of different body parts
9. b) As leaves floating down a stream
10. c) Breathing mindfully

Bonus Content: Awareness Waves Song

Verse 1:
Start with a toe, feel it tingle
Focus your mind, let it mingle
Slowly expand, up through your feet
Your legs, your body, a curious feat

Awareness waves, flowing in and out
From big to small, that’s what it’s about
Expand and contract, like the tide
A world of wonders, both inside and outside

Verse 2:
Now catch a thought, watch it float by
Let it grow bigger, reach for the sky
Hear all the sounds, feel the air on your skin
A universe of senses, where do you begin?


Fast or slow, you set the pace
Your mind’s a playground, a magical space
Focus in close, then zoom out wide
On this awareness ride


Open your eyes, take in the view
A brand new world, discovered by you
Awareness waves, they ebb and flow
Helping you learn, helping you grow