Harnessing Energy Levels and Consciousness for Optimal Homeschooling

Understanding and working with different levels of energy and consciousness is crucial for creating a thriving homeschooling environment. By being mindful of our own energetic states and those of our children, we can tap into the right mindset for various learning activities and goals, ultimately fostering growth, creativity, and success.

Drawing from the concepts presented in Frederick Dodson‘s book “Levels of Energy,” which maps human consciousness on a scale from 0 to 1000, we can apply these insights to our homeschooling journey. Each level of energy corresponds to different states of being, ranging from the grounded and practical to the visionary and transcendent. The key is learning to navigate these levels consciously and intentionally.

For Parents:

As a homeschooling parent, your energy levels and state of mind can greatly influence the learning environment. When you need to be grounded and focused, such as when teaching a complex concept or working on a detailed project, consider having a nourishing meal beforehand. Eating a wholesome meal can help you feel more centered and ready to tackle the task at hand.

On the other hand, when you want to be in a more creative, free-flowing state, such as when brainstorming ideas for a new project or exploring an abstract concept, consider allowing yourself to feel lighter. This might mean having a smaller snack or even fasting for a short period. Experiment with what works best for you, and be mindful of how different foods and eating patterns affect your energy levels.

For Students:

Children also experience varying energy levels throughout the day, and being aware of this can help you create a more supportive learning environment. When your child needs to focus on a challenging task or learn a new skill, consider offering them a healthy snack or meal that will provide sustained energy without causing a sugar crash. This could be a protein-rich snack like hummus and vegetables, or a balanced meal with complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats.

When your child is engaging in creative activities or exploring their imagination, they may benefit from feeling lighter and more unencumbered. This could mean allowing them to have a smaller snack or encouraging them to move their body and play before settling into the activity.

Physical Spaces:

The physical environment can also greatly impact energy levels and states of consciousness. When you need to be grounded and focused, create a designated workspace that is free from distractions and clutter. This could be a quiet corner of the house with a desk and comfortable chair, or an outdoor space where you can work without interruption.

For more creative and exploratory activities, consider creating a space that allows for movement and flexibility. This might be a room with plenty of floor space for spreading out projects, or an outdoor area where your child can engage with nature and let their imagination run wild.

Willfulness and Perseverance:

Remember that willfulness is an essential component of successful homeschooling. There will be times when you or your child need to push through challenges and distractions to achieve a goal. In these moments, it’s important to tap into your willpower and determination. 

Create a supportive environment that encourages perseverance, and model this behavior for your child.

The Power of Intentional Energy Management:

By being intentional about the energy we bring to each moment in our homeschooling practice, we open ourselves up to the full richness of the learning experience. 

This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, ultimately leading to a more enriching and transformative homeschooling journey.

At QMAK, we believe that by harnessing the power of energy levels and states of consciousness, you can create a homeschooling experience that is both effective and enjoyable. Experiment with different strategies, pay attention to what works best for you and your child, and remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. With a little practice and a lot of love, you can unlock the full potential of your homeschooling experience and foster a lifelong love for learning.