NRL Attendance Analysis

The National Rugby League (NRL) in Australia has been analyzing attendance figures for the first round matches for past two seasons.

a) The following table shows information about ticket sales for four round 1 matches in the current season:

Home TeamStadiumCapacityTickets Sold
Brisbane BroncosSuncorp Stadium52,50045,750
Canterbury Bankstown BulldogsAccor Stadium83,50058,450
Manly Sea Eagles4 Pines Park23,00020,700
Melbourne StormAAMI Park30,05027,045

For each match, what percentage of available tickets were sold? Round your answers to the nearest whole percent.

b) Last season, the same four teams played round 1 at their respective home stadiums. The percentage of available tickets sold for each match is shown in the bar graph below.


NRL Attendance: Round 1 Last Season 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Broncos Bulldogs Manly Storm 95% 60% 100% 85%

If the stadium capacities were the same for both seasons, which season had higher total attendance for these four matches combined? Justify your answer with calculations.

c) The NRL wants to award the “Fan Favorite” title to the team with the highest average round one attendance percentage over the two seasons. Which team wins this title? Show your work.


a) Percentage of available tickets sold for each match:

– Brisbane Broncos: (45,750 ÷ 52,500) × 100% = 87%
– Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs: (58,450 ÷ 83,500) × 100% = 70%
– Manly Sea Eagles: (20,700 ÷ 23,000) × 100% = 90%
– Melbourne Storm: (27,045 ÷ 30,050) × 100% = 90%

b) Comparing total attendance:

Current season total: 45,750 + 58,450 + 20,700 + 27,045 = 151,945

Last season:
– Brisbane Broncos: 95% of 52,500 = 49,875
– Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs: 60% of 83,500 = 50,100
– Manly Sea Eagles: 100% of 23,000 = 23,000
– Melbourne Storm: 85% of 30,050 = 25,542

Last season total: 49,875 + 50,100 + 23,000 + 25,542 = 148,517

The current season’s round one had higher total attendance (151,945 > 148,517).

c) Average attendance percentage over two seasons:

– Brisbane Broncos: (87% + 95%) ÷ 2 = 91%
– Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs: (70% + 60%) ÷ 2 = 65%
– Manly Sea Eagles: (90% + 100%) ÷ 2 = 95%
– Melbourne Storm: (90% + 85%) ÷ 2 = 87.5%

Manly Sea Eagles wins the “Fan Favorite” title with the highest average attendance percentage for the opening round of 95%.

NRL Attendance Analysis: Results Current Season R1 87% - Broncos 70% - Bulldogs 90% - Manly 90% - Storm Last Season R1 95% - Broncos 60% - Bulldogs 100% - Manly 85% - Storm Total Attendance Current Season: 151,945 Last Season: 148,517 Fan Favorite: Manly Sea Eagles (95%)