Offer a Service: Helping Others with Your Skills

Remember when we talked about different ways to create value? Another great way is to offer a service! Let’s learn more about what that means and how you can do it.

What is a Service?

A service is when you do something helpful for someone else. Instead of giving them a thing they can keep (like a product), you’re using your skills to help them.

Some examples are:

  • Walking dogs
  • Helping with homework
  • Washing cars
  • Teaching someone to play a sport
  • Doing face painting at parties

Why Offering Services is Cool

  1. You use your special skills: You get to help people by doing something you’re good at!
  2. You can start right away: You don’t need to make anything first – just offer your help.
  3. You can make it just right for each person: You can change how you help based on what each person needs.

How to Offer a Great Service

  1. Find out what people need help with: Ask your family and friends if there’s something they wish someone could help them do.
  2. Use your talents: Think about what you’re really good at. Could you use that skill to help others?
  3. Practice makes perfect: The more you do your service, the better you’ll get at it.
  4. Be reliable: Always do what you promise and show up on time.
  5. Be friendly: People like getting help from someone who’s nice and fun to be around.

Example: Let's Start a Dog-Walking Service!

Imagine you want to start a dog-walking service. Here’s how you could do it:

  1. Find out what people need: Ask pet owners in your neighborhood if they need help walking their dogs.
  2. Use your talents: If you’re good with animals and like being outside, this is perfect for you!
  3. Practice: Start by walking your own dog or a neighbor’s dog to get better at it.
  4. Be reliable: Always show up when you say you will and take good care of the dogs.
  5. Be friendly: Be nice to both the dogs and their owners. Maybe learn some fun dog tricks to make the walks extra special!

Things to Think About

  • How much time do you have?: Unlike products, you can’t make services ahead of time. Make sure you have enough time to help everyone who wants your service.
  • How will you get better?: Think about ways to improve your service over time. Maybe you could learn new skills or ask for feedback from the people you help.
  • How will people know about your service?: You’ll need to tell people about what you offer. Maybe make some flyers or tell your friends to spread the word.

Your Turn to Think!

  1. What kind of service would you like to offer?

  2. Who do you think would want your help?

  3. How could you make your service extra special?

Remember, the best services are ones that really help people and that you enjoy doing. Happy helping!

Song: Service Superheroes

Verse 1:
Got two hands and a willing heart
Ready to help, that’s a start
Walking dogs or painting faces
Tutoring in faraway places
What’s your superpower? What can you do?
Someone out there is needing you
We’re service superheroes, hear our call
Helping others, standing tall
No cape required, just a skill
And the power of your will
Be reliable, be kind
Leave no task behind
Service superheroes, that’s who we are
Solving problems near and far
Verse 2:
Practice hard to hone your craft
Be on time, don’t be daft
Friendly smile, a job well done
Turning work into fun
Spread the word, let people know
Your service is ready to go
Improve each day, ask for feedback
On this helper’s hero track
Service superheroes, lend a hand
Making life better across the land