People Have to Want What You're Selling!

Imagine you’re setting up a lemonade stand. The Obsidian Law of the Market says that no matter how awesome your lemonade is or how cool your stand looks, if people don’t want lemonade, your business won’t work!

This law is called “Obsidian” because it’s super strong (the strongest block in Minecraft, right?)  and doesn’t change, just like real Obsidian.

Why is this Law Important?

  • It helps you be smart with your time and money: You don’t want to spend all day making lemonade if nobody’s thirsty!
  • It reminds you to make things people actually want: Instead of guessing, find out what people need or wish they had.
  • It helps you use your resources wisely: Your resources are things like your time, money, and energy. Use them on ideas that people will love!

A Real-Life Example: The Video Game That Didn't Sell

Once upon a time, a big video game company created a game they thought would be super cool. It was called “Fitness Fun” and used a special mat that players had to exercise on while playing.

The company spent lots of money making the game and the exercise mat. They thought everyone would want to play video games and exercise at the same time!

But guess what? Even though the idea seemed neat, not many people bought the game. Why? Because:

  1. Most kids preferred playing regular video games without having to exercise.
  2. The special mat made the game very expensive.
  3. People who wanted to exercise usually preferred going outside or to a gym.

This shows how strong the Obsidian Law of the Market is! Even big companies can make mistakes if they don’t check what people really want.

How to Make Sure People Want What You're Selling

  • Do your detective work: Ask people what they like and what problems they have. This is called “market research”.
  • Start small and test your idea: Before you make a big video game, maybe create a simple app to see if people like the idea.
  • Know your customers: Figure out who would love your game the most. Maybe kids who already like sports?
  • Keep improving: Listen to what people say about your game and make it even better!

Remember: The Obsidian Law of the Market tells us that the most important thing in business is making something that people really want or need. If you do that, you’re on your way to success!

What kind of video game do you think people in your school might want to play? How could you find out for sure?

Song: Gotta Want It

Verse 1:
Set up my stand, got my lemonade
Thought I’d make it big, be the talk of the trade
But nobody’s buying, what did I do wrong?
Gotta learn the lesson, make my business strong

It’s not about what I think is cool
It’s about what they want, that’s the golden rule

Gotta want it, want it, want it
That’s the iron law, can’t ignore it
Do your research, ask around
Or your big ideas might hit the ground
Gotta want it, want it, want it
Make something they need, or they won’t support it

Verse 2:
Like the Segway story, tech so sleek
But the price was high, and the need was weak
So before you dive in, take a look around
What do people need in this part of town?


Start small, test it out
Listen close, clear out the doubt
Know your crowd, make it great
That’s how you’ll really resonate


Remember the law, iron-strong and true
Give ’em what they want, and they’ll come to you