Share a Resource: Let Others Use Something Cool You Have

Remember when we talked about different ways to create value? Another awesome way is to share a resource! Let’s learn more about what that means and how you can do it.

What is Sharing a Resource?

Sharing a resource is when you have something special that lots of people can use, and you let them use it for a small fee. It’s like having a really cool toy that all your friends want to play with.

Some examples are:

  • A treehouse library where friends can read books
  • A backyard swimming pool that neighbors can use
  • A video game console that friends can play on
  • A craft corner where kids can make art

Why Sharing Resources is Awesome

  1. Lots of people can enjoy it: Instead of just you using something, many people get to have fun!
  2. People don’t have to buy their own: Not everyone can afford to buy big or expensive things, so sharing helps everyone.
  3. You can make some money: By charging a small fee, you can earn money to take care of the thing you’re sharing.

How to Share a Great Resource

  • Find something special you have: Think about what you own that others might want to use.
  • Make sure it’s in good shape: Keep your resource clean and working well.
  • Decide on fair rules: Think about how people should use your resource and what they should pay.
  • Tell people about it: Let others know they can use your cool resource!
  • Take good care of it: Keep your resource nice so everyone can enjoy it for a long time.

Example: Let's Start a Backyard Movie Theater!

Imagine you have a big backyard and want to start a little movie theater. 

Here’s how you could do it:

  1. Find something special: You have a big white wall and a projector – perfect for outdoor movies!
  2. Make it nice: Set up comfy seating and make sure the sound is good.
  3. Decide on rules: Maybe charge $2 per person and have movies every Friday night.
  4. Spread the word: Tell your friends and neighbors about your cool backyard cinema.
  5. Take care of it: Clean up after each movie night and keep your equipment working well.

Things to Think About

  • How many people can use it?: Make sure not too many people try to use your resource at once, or it might not be fun anymore.
  • When can people use it?: Decide on times when your resource is available for others.
  • What if something breaks?: Have a plan for fixing things if they get broken.

Your Turn to Think!

  1. What cool thing do you have that others might want to use?
  2. How could you share it with others?
  3. What rules would you need to make sure everyone has a good time?

Remember, sharing a resource is all about letting others enjoy something special you have. It’s a great way to make friends and help your community!

Song: Share the Joy

Verse 1:
Got a treehouse full of books
A pool with sunny looks
Video games piled high
A craft room where colors fly

Don’t keep it all to yourself
Spread the fun, share the wealth

Share the joy, let it grow
Your cool stuff’s gonna steal the show
A little fee, a lot of fun
Resources shared for everyone
Open doors, open hearts
That’s how the sharing party starts

Verse 2:
Backyard cinema under stars
Friends gather from near and far
Two bucks a head, Friday night
Popcorn popping, pure delight


Keep it clean, keep it neat
Make some rules, short and sweet
When to come, how to play
Sharing makes a brighter day


Share the joy, watch it spread
Community ties are being fed
Your resource is the seed
Of friendship, fun, and good deeds