The Art of Framing: Shaping How People See Your Ideas

In this lesson we’re going to learn about a super cool trick called “framing.” It’s like putting a picture in a frame, but instead of a picture, we’re framing our ideas and products!

What is Framing?

Framing is all about how you present your ideas. It’s like choosing which parts of a story to tell to make it more exciting. In marketing, framing helps us show our products or ideas in the best light possible.

Why is Framing Important?

  1. It Guides Attention: Framing helps people focus on the best parts of your idea.
  2. It Shapes Perception: How you frame something can change how people feel about it.
  3. It Can Motivate Action: Good framing can encourage people to try your product or idea.

How to Use Framing in Your Marketing

Let’s look at some fun ways to frame your ideas:

1. Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

Instead of just saying what your product does, talk about how it makes life better.


  • Boring: “This watch tells time.”
  • Exciting: “Never be late for fun adventures again!”

2. Compare to Make Your Idea Shine

Show how your idea is better than other options.

Example: “Our ice cream has twice the chocolate chips of other brands!”

3. Create a Sense of Urgency

Make people feel like they need to act fast.

Example: “Only 50 tickets left for the coolest summer camp ever!”

4. Use Positive Language

Frame things in a positive way to make people feel good.

Example: Instead of “Stop being messy,” say “Start enjoying a tidy room!”

5. Tell a Story

Frame your idea as part of an exciting story.

Example: “Join the adventure of becoming a math wizard with our fun learning app!”

Fun Activity: Reframing Challenge

Try reframing these boring statements into exciting ones:

  1. “This is a pencil.”
  2. “These are vegetables.”
  3. “This is a cleaning spray.”

Think About It!

  • Have you ever seen an ad that made something boring sound really cool? How did they do it?
  • If you had a lemonade stand, how could you frame your lemonade to make it sound amazing?
  • Can you think of a time when changing how you talked about something made people more interested in it?

For the Curious Minds: Diving Deeper into Framing

Hey there, future marketing experts! If you’re really interested in framing and want to learn more, there’s an article on our website called “The Fascinating World of Framing Effects.” It talks about how framing affects our thoughts and decisions in all parts of life, not just marketing.

This article is a bit more advanced, so you might want to read it with a grown-up. It’s like leveling up in a video game – you’ll learn some really awesome stuff that can help you understand how people think and make decisions!

Remember, great marketing is all about showing your amazing ideas in the best way possible. With framing, you can help people see just how awesome your ideas really are!

Song: Frame it Up!

Verse 1:
In the world of ideas, there’s an art to the game
It’s all about framing, not all views are the same
Guide their attention, shape what they perceive
With the right frame, you’ll make them believe

Focus on benefits, not just what it does
Compare and shine bright, create a little buzz
Urgency gets them moving, positive words make them smile
Tell a story that hooks them, go the extra mile

Frame it up! Show your idea’s best side
Frame it up! Take them on a thrilling ride
Shape the view, make it new
Your product in the perfect hue
Frame it up! Watch your message come alive

Verse 2:
A pencil’s not boring, it’s a tool for creation
Veggies aren’t just healthy, they’re a taste sensation
Cleaning spray’s not a chore, it’s a path to a fresh start
Framing changes everything, it’s marketing as an art


Be a framing master, paint the perfect scene
Turn the ordinary into something unforeseen
From dull to exciting, from “meh” to “wow!”
That’s how framing magic makes your idea stand out now


So remember young marketers, as you spread the word
Frame it right and boldly, make sure you’re heard
Framing is your power, to make your idea stick
Frame it up! And watch your marketing tick!