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The Awareness Smoothie

This game helps children develop a more holistic and integrated understanding of their own awareness, recognizing that all the various elements of their experience – from sensory perceptions to thoughts and emotions – are ultimately part of one seamless, unified field of consciousness.

By imagining their awareness as a solid block or a blended smoothie, children learn to appreciate the richness and complexity of their present-moment experience, without getting caught up in the apparent separateness or distinctiveness of each individual component. 

This can foster a sense of wholeness, connection, and presence, as children discover the inherent unity and coherence of their own being.

Practicing “The Awareness Smoothie” can also help children cultivate a more accepting and non-judgmental attitude towards their inner experience. By blending all the ingredients of their awareness together, they learn to embrace the full spectrum of their thoughts, feelings, and sensations, without trying to suppress or reject any part of themselves.

Overall, this game can help children develop a more spacious, inclusive, and loving relationship with their own consciousness, as they learn to rest in the vast, open field of awareness that underlies and encompasses all of life. This fundamental shift in perspective can support greater emotional balance, self-acceptance, and inner peace, laying the foundation for a more authentic and fulfilling way of being in the world.

Introduction script for the child:

					Hey there, young awareness chef! 

Today, we're going to make a special recipe called "The Awareness Smoothie." Just like a delicious smoothie blends different fruits and flavors together into one yummy drink, we're going to blend all the things we're aware of into one big, solid block of awareness. 

We'll mix in everything we see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and think, and imagine it all as one amazing experience. 

Are you ready to put on your chef's hat and create your own awareness smoothie?


Instructions for the teacher:

1. Begin by asking the child to notice everything they are aware of in the present moment, such as sounds, bodily sensations, the temperature of the room, and their thoughts.

2. Encourage the child to imagine all these different aspects of their awareness as one solid thing, like a big block or a smooth sheet of awareness, rather than separate items.

3. If it helps, suggest that the child imagine everything they’re aware of fitting into a single picture frame, a TV or movie screen, or a 3-dimensional sphere.

4. Next, introduce “The Blender” variation. Ask the child to imagine they have a magical blender that can mix all the ingredients of their awareness into one delicious smoothie.

5. Guide the child to pour all their sights into the blender, followed by their sounds, bodily sensations, smells, tastes, feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

6. Encourage the child to imagine blending all these ingredients together until they create a smooth, unified experience of awareness.

7. Finally, invite the child to enjoy their awareness smoothie, savoring the unique blend of all the elements of their present-moment experience.

Follow-up questions for discussion:

  1. What was it like to imagine all the different things you were aware of as one solid block or sheet of awareness?
  2. How did it feel to blend all your sights, sounds, sensations, thoughts, and feelings into one smoothie?
  3. Did imagining your awareness as one unified experience change the way you perceived the present moment? If so, how?
  4. How do you think practicing “The Awareness Smoothie” could help you feel more connected and present in your daily life?

Follow-up resource:

Read Aloud Resource

To further explore the concept of awareness as a unified field and the interconnectedness of all experience, consider introducing your child to the book “What Does It Mean to Be Present?” by Rana DiOrio

This engaging and thought-provoking story invites children to step into the present moment and appreciate the wonders that surround them.

1. According to the book, what does it mean to be present?
a) To always be thinking about the future
b) To focus on what’s happening right now
c) To dwell on past events
d) To be physically present but mentally elsewhere

2. How does the book suggest listening to others?
a) While doing other things
b) Without really paying attention
c) With your whole body
d) Only when they say something interesting

3. What does the book say about noticing the world around you?
a) It’s not important
b) You should ignore your surroundings
c) You should use all your senses to experience it
d) Only notice things that are unusual

4. How does the book describe dealing with emotions?
a) Ignore all feelings
b) Only focus on happy emotions
c) Notice and accept your feelings
d) Always act on your emotions immediately

5. What does the book say about helping others?
a) It’s not part of being present
b) Only help if you get something in return
c) Being present means noticing when others need help
d) Helping others is always more important than being present

6. How does the book suggest approaching new experiences?
a) With fear and hesitation
b) By avoiding them completely
c) With curiosity and openness
d) By rushing through them quickly

7. What does the book say about mistakes?
a) Never make any mistakes
b) Dwell on your mistakes constantly
c) Learn from your mistakes and move on
d) Mistakes are unforgivable

8. How does the book describe the importance of breath?
a) Breathing is not related to being present
b) You should hold your breath to be present
c) Focusing on your breath can help you be present
d) Only certain types of breathing help you be present

9. What does the book say about technology and being present?
a) Always use technology
b) Never use technology
c) Be mindful of how you use technology
d) Technology doesn’t affect being present

10. What is the main message of the book?
a) Being present is impossible for children
b) The past and future are more important than the present
c) Being present helps you enjoy and engage with life more fully
d) Being present means ignoring everything around you


1. b) To focus on what’s happening right now
2. c) With your whole body
3. c) You should use all your senses to experience it
4. c) Notice and accept your feelings
5. c) Being present means noticing when others need help
6. c) With curiosity and openness
7. c) Learn from your mistakes and move on
8. c) Focusing on your breath can help you be present
9. c) Be mindful of how you use technology
10. c) Being present helps you enjoy and engage with life more fully

Song: Mix it All Together

Verse 1:
Sights and sounds, a touch of breeze
Thoughts and feelings, if you please
Smells and tastes, don’t forget those
Put them all in, watch how it grows

Now it’s time to blend it right
Into one big ball of light

Mix it all together, what do you see?
A smoothie of awareness, just for me
Everything at once, in perfect harmony
That’s the recipe for being totally free

Verse 2:
In a frame or on a screen
All your senses now convene
Like a sphere that holds it all
Your experience, big and small


Who’s the one behind the blend?
The chef whose awareness has no end
Taste the flavor of right now
In this moment, here’s your wow


So when life feels split apart
Remember this awareness art
Mix it all and you will find
A unified and peaceful mind