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The Foreign Language Mindscape

This exercise helps children develop metacognitive skills and cultivate a more flexible and expansive awareness of their inner experiences. 

By imagining their thoughts in a foreign language, children learn to create distance between themselves and their mental chatter, recognizing that thoughts are just one aspect of their overall experience.

As children practice observing their thoughts without getting caught up in their content, they develop the ability to relate to their inner dialogue with greater equanimity and perspective. This skill can be particularly helpful in managing stress, anxiety, or other challenging mental states, as it allows children to step back from their thoughts and find a sense of calm and clarity in the present moment.

Introduction script for the child:

					Hey there, young language explorer! 

Today, we're going on a fun and mysterious journey called "The Foreign Language Mindscape." 

We'll be using our imagination to pretend that all the thoughts in our head are in a language we don't understand. 

It's like having a secret code in our minds that we can't crack! 

Through this game, we'll learn how to pay attention to other things in our awareness besides just words. 

Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of thinking in tongues?

Instructions for the teacher:

1. Ask the child to choose a language they don’t understand. It can be any language they find interesting or mysterious.

2. Encourage the child to close their eyes and imagine that all the verbal thoughts in their head are now in that foreign language. Reassure them that they don’t need to actually know the language; they just need to pretend.

3. Instruct the child not to try to understand the thoughts in their imaginary foreign language. Instead, encourage them to simply observe the experience of having thoughts they can’t comprehend.

4. As the child becomes more comfortable with the idea of not understanding their verbal thoughts, guide them to gradually shift their attention away from the foreign language thoughts and towards any other experiences or sensations in their awareness, such as bodily sensations, emotions, or the sounds around them.

5. If the child finds their attention drifting back to the foreign language thoughts, remind them to gently refocus on the nonverbal aspects of their experience.

6. After a few minutes, ask the child to open their eyes and discuss their experience.

Follow-up questions for discussion:

  1. What was it like to imagine your thoughts in a language you didn’t understand?
  2. How did it feel to observe your thoughts without trying to understand them?
  3. When you shifted your attention away from the foreign language thoughts, what other things did you notice in your awareness?
  4. How do you think this game can help us become more aware of the different aspects of our experience beyond just words and thoughts?

Follow-up resource:

To further explore the idea of observing thoughts without getting caught up in their content, consider introducing your child to the book “Puppy Mind” by Andrew Jordan Nance.

This delightful picture book uses the metaphor of a curious, energetic puppy to represent the nature of the mind and its tendency to wander and get distracted. Through simple, relatable language and charming illustrations, the book teaches children how to train their “puppy mind” using mindfulness techniques, such as focusing on the breath or paying attention to the present moment.

Resource Read Aloud

1. What does the “puppy mind” represent in the book?
a) An actual puppy
b) A child’s busy, wandering thoughts
c) A type of dog breed
d) A new pet

2. How does the book describe the puppy mind’s behavior?
a) Always sleeping
b) Constantly jumping around and distracted
c) Very obedient
d) Scared of everything

3. What problem does the child in the story face because of their puppy mind?
a) Can’t focus in school
b) Can’t play with friends
c) Can’t sleep at night
d) Can’t eat their food

4. Who teaches the child about managing their puppy mind?
a) Their parents
b) Their teacher
c) A wise old dog
d) They figure it out on their own

5. What tool does the child learn to use to calm their puppy mind?
a) A special leash
b) Their breath
c) A magic wand
d) Puppy treats

6. What does the book compare focusing on the breath to?
a) Tying the puppy to a post
b) Putting the puppy in a cage
c) Gently holding the puppy
d) Letting the puppy run wild

7. What happens when the child practices focusing on their breath?
a) The puppy disappears
b) The puppy gets bigger
c) The puppy becomes calmer
d) The puppy turns into a cat

8. How does the book describe the feeling of a calm mind?
a) Boring and lifeless
b) Peaceful and clear
c) Sleepy and dull
d) Excited and jumpy

9. What does the child learn about their thoughts?
a) To ignore them completely
b) To fight against them
c) To observe them without getting carried away
d) To believe every thought is true

10. What is the main message of “Puppy Mind”?
a) Having a busy mind is bad
b) We can learn to calm our minds through practice
c) Puppies make the best pets
d) It’s impossible to control our thoughts


1. b) A child’s busy, wandering thoughts
2. b) Constantly jumping around and distracted
3. a) Can’t focus in school
4. d) They figure it out on their own
5. b) Their breath
6. c) Gently holding the puppy
7. c) The puppy becomes calmer
8. b) Peaceful and clear
9. c) To observe them without getting carried away
10. b) We can learn to calm our minds through practice

Song: Thoughts in a Secret Code

Verse 1:
Close your eyes and listen in
To the chatter deep within
Suddenly it’s all unknown
A language that you’ve never grown

Don’t try to understand, just let it be
There’s so much more for you to see

Thoughts in a secret code
A mystery to unfold
Beyond the words, what can you find?
A world of wonders in your mind

Verse 2:
Feel your breath, hear the sounds
Sense your body on the ground
So much here beyond the words
A silent wisdom often unheard


In this game of thought and sense
We learn to sit on the fence
Between the known and mystery
Our minds expand infinitely


Open your eyes, what did you learn?
About the thoughts for which we yearn
In silence or in babel’s tower
We find our true inner power