The Income Statement: Your Business's Report Card

Remember how we learned about the Balance Sheet, which is like a snapshot of your business at a specific moment? Well, now we’re going to learn about another super important financial tool called the Income Statement. It’s like your business’s report card that shows how well you did over a certain period of time. Let’s dive in!

What is an Income Statement?

An Income Statement, also called a Profit and Loss Statement, is a financial report that shows how much money your business made (revenue) and how much it spent (expenses) over a specific period, like a month or a year. At the end, it tells you if your business made a profit (yay!) or a loss (oops!).

The Magic Formula of the Income Statement

Here’s the simple formula that the Income Statement uses:

					Revenue - Expenses = Profit (or Loss)
  • Revenue is all the money your business earned from selling products or services.
  • Expenses are all the costs your business had to pay to earn that revenue.
  • Profit is what’s left over when you subtract expenses from revenue. If it’s a negative number, that’s called a loss.

Creating a Simple Income Statement

Let’s go back to our pizza party business and create a simple Income Statement for one month:


  • Pizza sales: $1000 Total Revenue: $1000


  • Ingredients: $300
  • Rent for kitchen: $200
  • Electricity: $50
  • Wages for helpers: $200 Total Expenses: $750

Profit: $1000 – $750 = $250

Congratulations! Your pizza party business made a profit of $250 this month!

Why is the Income Statement Important?

  1. It Shows Performance Over Time: Unlike the Balance Sheet, which is a snapshot, the Income Statement shows how your business did over a period of time.
  2. It Reveals Profitability: It tells you if your business is making money or losing money.
  3. It Helps with Decision Making: By looking at your revenue and expenses, you can decide if you need to sell more, raise prices, or cut costs.

Reading an Income Statement: What to Look For

When you look at an Income Statement, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is revenue growing? If yes, that’s usually good! It means you’re selling more.
  2. Are expenses under control? If expenses are growing faster than revenue, that could be a problem.
  3. Is there a profit? If yes, great! If not, you’ll need to figure out how to increase revenue or decrease expenses.

Income Statement Detective: Spotting Business Trends

Just like a detective looks for patterns to solve mysteries, you can use the Income Statement to spot trends in your business:

  1. Seasonal Patterns: Maybe you sell more ice cream in summer than in winter.
  2. Growing or Shrinking: By comparing this month’s statement to last month’s, you can see if your business is growing.
  3. Expense Spikes: You might notice that some months have higher expenses, like when you buy new equipment.

Real-World Income Statements

Big companies have Income Statements too! They’re just a bit more complicated. They might include things like:

  • Different types of revenue (like product sales and service fees)
  • More detailed expense categories
  • Taxes and interest payments

But even with all these extra details, the basic idea is the same: Revenue – Expenses = Profit

Think About It!

  • If you started a small business, what kinds of revenue and expenses might you have?
  • Why do you think it’s important to look at Income Statements from different time periods (like months or years)?
  • Can you think of a business that might make most of its money in one season? How would that affect its Income Statement?

Remember, an Income Statement is like a report card for your business. It shows how well you did at making money over a certain period. By understanding Income Statements, you’re becoming a true business expert!

Song: Money Melody

Verse 1:
Listen up, it’s report card day
For your business, hip hooray!
Income Statement tells the tale
Of how your pizza business sailed
Revenue comes rolling in
Expenses try to take a win
Subtract them quick, what do you see?
Profit dancing, oh so free!
Money Melody, sing it loud
Revenue minus costs, be proud
If the number’s big and bright
Money Melody, future’s light
Verse 2:
Month by month, or year to year
Watch your business grow, my dear
Selling more or spending less
Money Melody, keys to success

Detective mode, what’s the trend?
Summer boom or winter spend?
Spot the patterns, make your plan
Money Melody, yes you can!

Money Melody, now you know
How to make your business grow