Question More, Action Knowledge.
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Back to Mind Explorers
This game helps children develop a deeper understanding of the nature of awareness and the importance of being present and accepting of their experiences. By imagining themselves as a mirror that reflects everything without preference, children learn to cultivate a non-judgmental and inclusive attitude towards their perceptions and thoughts.
This exercise encourages children to step back from their habitual patterns of selectively attending to or avoiding certain experiences and instead embrace a more open and receptive state of awareness. By practicing “reflection without selection,” children can develop a greater capacity for mindfulness and equanimity in the face of life’s challenges and joys.
Additionally, by recognizing that pure, unfiltered awareness is already within them, children can begin to cultivate a sense of inner peace and wholeness. They learn that their essential nature is not defined by the contents of their experience but rather by the vast and inclusive space of awareness itself.
Overall, this game can help children foster a greater sense of presence, acceptance, and resilience, as they learn to navigate the ups and downs of life with a clear and compassionate mirror-like awareness.
Hey there, young imagination explorer!
Today, we're going to play a game called "The Mindful Mirror."
In this game, we'll be using our imagination to pretend that we're a mirror. But not just any mirror – a special mirror that reflects everything without choosing what to show.
This game will help us understand how our awareness works and how we can be more present and accepting of everything around us.
Are you ready to become a mindful mirror?
1. Ask the child to imagine that they are a mirror. Encourage them to visualize themselves as a clear, reflective surface.
2. Have the child consider the question: “Am I choosing what to reflect?” Explain that, in this game, the goal is to be like a mirror that reflects everything without selecting what to show.
3. To illustrate this point, give the child an example: Imagine standing in front of a mirror holding a cup in one hand and a banana in the other. Ask the child if the mirror would choose to reflect only the cup because it doesn’t like fruit today.
Help them understand that a mirror doesn’t have preferences and reflects everything equally.
4. Now, explain to the child that their awareness is like that mirror. It doesn’t choose what to be aware of – if their eyes see something or their ears hear something, it’s in their awareness.
5. Encourage the child to be like pure, unfiltered awareness, reflecting everything without judgment or selection. Reassure them that this awareness is already within them, and they don’t need to find it – they just need to be it.
6. Have the child practice being the mindful mirror for a few moments, reflecting everything around them without preference or judgment.
To further explore the concept of non-judgmental awareness and the power of mindful reflection, consider introducing your child to the book “The Rabbit Listened” by Cori Doerrfeld.
Synopsis: When Taylor’s tower collapses, animals offer solutions, but the rabbit simply listens without judgment.
Connection: Demonstrates the power of non-selective presence, mirroring the exercise’s goal of observing experiences without trying to “fix” or alter them.
Verse 1:
Imagine you’re a mirror, shiny and bright
Reflecting everything, in the purest light
No picking or choosing, what to show
Just like your awareness, letting everything flow
The magic mirror game, let’s play today
Reflecting the world, in a special way
Your awareness is like a mirror, it’s true
Accepting everything, without feeling blue
Verse 2:
If you see a cup, and a banana too
The mirror shows both, it knows what to do
It doesn’t say, “I don’t like fruit today”
It reflects everything, in a friendly way
Your awareness is a gift, already inside
No need to search, just let it shine
Be like the mirror, open and free
Accepting the world, for all to see
So remember this game, whenever you can
The magic mirror, is your inner fan
Reflecting the world, with a loving heart
Awareness and acceptance, right from the start
Remember, at QMAK, we don’t just teach; we empower. We don’t just inform; we inspire. We don’t just question; we act. Become a Gold Member, and let’s unlock your child’s full potential, one question at a time.