The Nameless Adventure

This lesson helps children understand that their identity is more than just their name. By imagining themselves with and without a name, children learn that their sense of self is not solely dependent on external labels. This activity encourages self-reflection and helps children develop a deeper understanding of their own unique qualities, interests, and feelings.

Introduction script for the child:

					Hey there, adventurer! Today, we're going on a special journey called "The Nameless Adventure." We'll be using our imagination to explore who we are, even without our names. Our names are important, but they don't define everything about us. Are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure?

Instructions for the teacher:

1. Have the child sit comfortably and close their eyes.

2. Ask the child to imagine that their parents haven’t given them a name yet. Encourage them to explore who they are without a name. Prompt them with questions like: “What do you like to do?” “What makes you happy?” “What are you curious about?”

3. After a few moments, ask the child to imagine that their parents have given them a name, but they don’t know what it is. Ask them to consider if having a name changes who they are. Encourage them to think about whether they feel different with or without a name.

4. Next, have the child imagine that they have no name at all. Ask them to reflect on how this feels and if it changes their sense of self.

5. Finally, ask the child to open their eyes and take a moment to share their thoughts and feelings about the experience.

Follow-up questions for discussion:

  1. How did it feel to imagine yourself without a name?
  2. Did you feel any different when you imagined having a name, even if you didn’t know what it was?
  3. Do you think your name is an important part of who you are? Why or why not?
  4. What other things, besides your name, make you who you are?

Follow-up resource:

To further explore the concept of identity and self-awareness, consider reading “The Name Jar” by Yangsook Choi with your child. This picture book tells the story of a young girl who moves to a new country and grapples with the decision of choosing a new name or keeping her own. The book sparks discussions about the importance of names, cultural identity, and staying true to oneself.

Resource Read Aloud

1. Where does Unhei move from?
a) Japan
b) China
c) Korea
d) Vietnam

2. What does Unhei carry with her that’s special?
a) A photo album
b) A name stamp
c) A teddy bear
d) A lucky coin

3. Why doesn’t Unhei tell her classmates her name on the first day?
a) She forgot it
b) She’s shy
c) She’s worried they can’t pronounce it
d) The teacher didn’t ask her

4. What do Unhei’s classmates create to help her choose a new name?
a) A list
b) A name jar
c) A poster
d) A song

5. Who is the first friend Unhei makes at her new school?
a) Joey
b) Mary
c) Sarah
d) Michael

6. What does Unhei’s name mean?
a) Sunshine
b) Grace
c) Flower
d) Wisdom

7. Where does Joey go to learn about Korean names?
a) The library
b) A Korean restaurant
c) Unhei’s house
d) The internet

8. What does Unhei decide to do about her name in the end?
a) Change it to an American name
b) Keep her Korean name
c) Use both a Korean and American name
d) Let her classmates choose for her

9. How do Unhei’s classmates react when she tells them her real name?
a) They laugh
b) They’re confused
c) They try to pronounce it
d) They ignore her

10. What important lesson does the story teach?
a) Always change to fit in
b) Be proud of your heritage
c) American names are better
d) Never make new friends


1. c) Korea
2. b) A name stamp
3. c) She’s worried they can’t pronounce it
4. b) A name jar
5. a) Joey
6. b) Grace
7. a) The library
8. b) Keep her Korean name
9. c) They try to pronounce it
10. b) Be proud of your heritage


Song: More than Just a Name

Verse 1:
Close your eyes and take a journey
Into a world where names don’t matter
Who are you when no one’s calling?
What makes your heart feel like it’s soaring?
You’re curious and brave
Full of wonder every day
With or without a name
You’re special in your own way
You’re more than just a name
Your spirit shines so bright
Your laughter and your dreams
Make this world feel right
You’re kind and you’re strong
You’re everything you choose to be
Remember as you grow
You’re more than just a name, you’ll see
Verse 2:
Open up your imagination
Picture all the things you love to do
Climbing trees or reading stories
Your passions make the real you
Your feelings and your thoughts
The way you care for friends
Your hopes for tomorrow
That’s where your true self begins
So adventure on, brave explorer
Discover all the wonders that you are
‘Cause you’re more than just a name
You’re a bright and shining star