The Power of "Might" in Unlocking Children's Creative Potential

When it comes to fostering creativity and innovation in children, the words we use can have a profound impact. All too often, brainstorming sessions with young minds lose steam quickly due to a fear of judgment – a fear that can be inadvertently reinforced by the very language we employ.

For example, if we ask children “How can we solve this problem?” or “What should we do about this challenge?”, we introduce an implicit notion that their ideas may not be possible or appropriate. This subtle implication of judgment can shut down creative thinking before it even starts, limiting the range of ideas children feel comfortable expressing.

However, there is a simple yet powerful linguistic shift that can open up a world of possibilities: using the word “might” instead of “can” or “should”.

The Magic of “Might”

When we reframe our brainstorming prompts with “might”, we create a safe space for children to think more freely and creatively. “How might we solve this problem?” or “What ideas might we explore?” send a different message altogether.

It’s a message that says, “Let’s explore possibilities without judgment. There are no wrong answers here.

This subtle change in phrasing has a profound effect on children’s willingness to share their thoughts and ideas, no matter how unconventional or “out there” they may seem. It removes the fear of being wrong or having their ideas shut down, allowing their natural curiosity and creativity to flourish.

The Power of “How Might We”

One particularly effective way to leverage the power of “might” is through the phrase “How might we”. This simple three-word prompt has been championed by creative problem-solving experts as a means of spurring innovative thinking and collaboration.

How” assumes that there are solutions to be found, instilling a sense of creative confidence.

Might” creates a judgment-free zone, where all ideas are welcome and can be explored without fear of critique.

We” fosters a collaborative spirit, encouraging children to build upon each other’s ideas and work together towards creative solutions.

By framing brainstorming sessions with “How might we”, we open the door for children to engage in freewheeling ideation, where even the most seemingly far-fetched ideas can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and innovative solutions.

A Nurturing Environment for Creativity

Of course, the choice of words is just one aspect of cultivating a nurturing environment for children’s creativity. It’s equally important to create a physical and emotional space where children feel safe to take risks, make mistakes, and explore without fear of judgment or ridicule.

Encourage children to build upon each other’s ideas, rather than immediately critiquing or dismissing them. Celebrate the process of creative exploration, not just the end results. And most importantly, lead by example – embrace a beginner’s mindset and approach each brainstorming session with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

In a world that often prizes conformity and rigid thinking, fostering children’s creative potential is more important than ever. By consciously choosing our words and creating an environment that celebrates exploration and innovation, we can unlock a wellspring of imaginative ideas and inspire the next generation of creative problem-solvers and changemakers.

So, the next time you engage in a brainstorming session with children, remember the power of “might”. It may just be the key to unlocking a world of creative possibilities.

BONUS CONTENT: The Power of Might Song

Verse 1:
In a world where judgment looms
And creativity often meets its doom
There’s a word that can set minds free
And unlock the potential we long to see

It’s not about “can” or “should”
But the power of “might” understood
A subtle shift in the words we say
Can open up a brighter way

How might we solve this problem today?
What ideas might we explore and play?
In the realm of “might,” there’s no wrong answer
Just a space for minds to dance and wander

Verse 2:
“How might we” is the magic phrase
That sparks innovation and collaborative ways
“How” assumes solutions are there to find
“Might” frees the judgment from our mind




In a nurturing space where creativity thrives
Where risks are taken, and mistakes high-fived
We build on each other’s ideas with zest
And celebrate the journey, not just the quest



So let’s embrace the power of “might”
And watch the children’s ideas take flight
In a world of possibility and wonder
Their creative potential, we’ll watch them uncover