The Super Team: Attention and Value in Marketing

Remember how we talked about value creation and then about getting attention? Well, guess what – these two ideas are best friends in marketing! Let’s see how they work together to make your business idea shine.

The Great Exchange: Attention for Value

Imagine you have a piggy bank full of attention coins. Every time you look at something or think about it, you’re spending one of those coins. Now, businesses want your attention coins, but they can’t just take them – they have to earn them!

  • You Give: Your precious attention
  • They Give: Something valuable to you (like a cool product, helpful information, or fun entertainment)

Why This Exchange Matters

  1. Fair Trade: People are more likely to pay attention if they get something good in return.
  2. Building Trust: When you give people value for their attention, they start to trust you.
  3. Creating Fans: If you keep providing value, people might become big fans of your business!

Types of Value You Can Offer

Remember when we talked about creating value? The same ideas apply in marketing:

  • Solve a Problem: Show how your idea fixes something tricky for people.
  • Teach Something: Share interesting facts or skills related to your business.
  • Entertain: Make people laugh or feel excited about your idea.
  • Inspire: Show how your business can help make the world better.

The Attention-Value Cycle

Here’s a cool thing: When you offer value and get attention, you can use that attention to create even more value! It’s like a happy circle:

  1. You create something valuable
  2. You get people’s attention by showing its value
  3. More people see and use your valuable thing
  4. You learn how to make it even better
  5. You create more value
  6. You get even more attention!

Being Respectful with Attention

Remember, attention is precious. Here are some tips to be a good attention-trader:

  1. Ask Permission: Before sending lots of information, ask if people want it.
  2. Keep Promises: If you say you’ll provide value, make sure you do!
  3. Respect Time: Make sure your message is clear and doesn’t waste people’s time.

Think About It!

  • Can you think of a business that always seems to give you something valuable when they ask for your attention?
  • If you had a lemonade stand, what could you do to offer value and get attention at the same time?
  • Imagine you invented a new board game. How could you show its value to get people’s attention?

Remember, in marketing, attention and value are like best friends. When they work together, they can help your business idea become a big success!

Song: The Value-Attention Jam

Verse 1:
Got a piggy bank full of attention coins
Spend ’em wisely, that’s the point
Businesses want ’em, but they gotta earn
Give some value, and watch the tables turn

It’s the Value-Attention Jam
Give and take, that’s the plan
Solve a problem, teach or entertain
When you trade fair, everybody gains

Verse 2:
Build that trust, create some fans
Offer value, they’ll clap their hands
It’s a cycle, round and round we go
Give attention, watch your value grow


Ask permission, keep your promise too
Respect their time, in all you do
Attention’s precious, treat it with care
Be the business that’s always fair


So let’s jam to this marketing beat
Attention and value, can’t be beat
They’re best friends in this business game
Play it right and you’ll find fame!