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The Thought Tamer

These games help children develop a greater understanding of the nature of thoughts and the limits of conscious control over mental processes. 

By attempting to choose their thoughts or control the behavior of an imagined object, children learn that the mind often operates independently of their intentions or desires.

This realization can be both humbling and liberating, as it helps children recognize that they are not always responsible for the thoughts that arise in their minds. 

By accepting the natural spontaneity of thought processes, children can develop a more compassionate and non-judgmental attitude towards their own mental experiences.

Introduction script for the child:

					Hey there, young mind explorer! Today, we're going to play two fun games called "Thought Picking" and "The Pencil Game." 

These games will help us understand how our minds work and how thoughts can sometimes have a mind of their own. 

In the first game, we'll try to choose which thoughts appear in our minds. 

In the second game, we'll use our imagination to see if we can control how a pencil behaves in our minds. 

Are you ready to become a thought tamer?

Instructions for the teacher:

Game 1: Thought Picking

  1. Ask the child to try to choose their thoughts. Encourage them to decide ahead of time what thoughts will appear and what thoughts will not.
  2. If the child finds it difficult or impossible to control their thoughts, explain that this is a common experience and that it teaches us something important about how our minds work.
  3. Help the child understand that thoughts often arise on their own, without our conscious control, and that this is a normal part of the mind’s functioning.

Game 2: The Pencil Game

  1. Have the child imagine a pencil standing vertically on its point.
  2. Ask the child to try to imagine the pencil not falling down.
  3. If they succeed in keeping the pencil upright in their imagination, ask them to imagine the pencil falling down and staying down without popping back up on its own.
  4. If the child finds it challenging to control the pencil’s behavior in their imagination, explain that this is similar to how thoughts can sometimes be difficult to control.

Follow-up questions for discussion:

  1. What was it like to try to choose your thoughts? Did you find it easy or difficult?
  2. What do you think the “Thought Picking” game teaches us about how our minds work?
  3. In “The Pencil Game,” what happened when you tried to imagine the pencil not falling down or staying down?
  4. How do you think these games relate to our everyday experiences with thoughts and imagination?

Follow-up resource:

Read Aloud Resource

To further explore the concept of thoughts and worry introducing your child to the book “Ruby Finds a Worry ” by Tom Percival.

Synopsis: Ruby’s worry grows until she shares it, learning that acknowledging thoughts reduces their power.
Connection: Demonstrates how observing thoughts (rather than controlling them) diminishes their intensity.

Follow-up resource:

Link to Resource

To further explore the concept of thoughts and the nature of the mind, consider introducing your child to the podcast “Peace Out” by Chanel Tsang.

This delightful podcast offers short stories and guided relaxation exercises designed to help children calm down, focus, and feel more grounded in the present moment. Each episode takes listeners on a unique journey, often inspired by nature, mythology, or everyday life, and encourages children to engage their imagination in a peaceful and mindful way.

Song: Mind Adventure

Verse 1:
I’m a mind adventurer, brave and bright
Trying to pick my thoughts, with all my might
But they come and go, like leaves in the breeze
I’m learning to watch them, with curiosity and ease

Oh, what a game, this mind of mine
Thoughts and feelings, all intertwined
I can’t control what pops up in my head
But I can choose to smile, and go with the flow instead

Verse 2:
Imagine a pencil, standing up so high
Trying to keep it still, as the seconds tick by
But it wobbles and falls, no matter what I do
Just like my thoughts, they have a rhythm too


My mind is a wonderland, full of mystery
Thoughts and imagination, dancing wild and free
I’m learning to observe them, without judgment or fear
Embracing what arises, as each moment draws near


So I’ll keep exploring, this amazing space
Where thoughts and feelings, run at their own pace
A curious discoverer, learning day by day
The mind adventurer’s journey, is a joyful way!