What People Really Want: Desire and the Core Human Drives

Remember when we talked about the Core Human Drives? Well, guess what? They’re super important when it comes to understanding what people really want – their desires! Let’s dive back into these drives and see how they connect to desire in marketing.

Quick Recap: The Five Core Human Drives

  • The Drive to Get Stuff (Acquire)
  • The Drive to Make Friends (Bond)
  • The Drive to Learn New Things (Learn)
  • The Drive to Stay Safe (Defend)
  • The Drive to Feel Good (Feel)

What is Desire in Marketing?

Desire is like a strong wish or craving for something. In marketing, it’s all about understanding what people really want and showing them how your product or idea can help them get it!

How Desire Connects to the Core Human Drives

Let’s look at each drive and see how it relates to what people desire:

  1. Acquire: People desire things that make them feel special or important.
    • Example: A shiny new bike that’s the coolest in the neighborhood.
  2. Bond: People desire ways to connect with others and feel loved.
    • Example: A friendship bracelet making kit to share with best friends.
  3. Learn: People desire knowledge and ways to grow.
    • Example: A fun science kit that teaches cool experiments.
  4. Defend: People desire things that make them feel safe and protected.
    • Example: A nightlight that keeps the monsters away.
  5. Feel: People desire experiences that make them happy or excited.
    • Example: A new video game that’s super fun to play.

How to Use Desire in Marketing

  1. Find the Right Drive: Think about which drive your product or idea connects to most.
  2. Show, Don’t Just Tell: Help people imagine how great their life will be with your product.
    • Instead of saying “This is a comfy pillow,” say “Imagine falling asleep instantly on the softest cloud!”
  3. Solve a Problem: Show how your idea fixes something tricky in their life.
    • “No more struggling with tangled shoelaces!”
  4. Make it Personal: Help people see how your product fits into their life.
    • “Be the hero of your next sleepover with this awesome board game!”

Fun Activity: Desire Detective

For each item below, try to guess which Core Human Drive it mostly connects to and what desire it might fulfill:

  1. A treehouse building kit
  2. A book about making friends
  3. A super-safe bicycle helmet
  4. A set of colorful art supplies
  5. A watch that looks like a grown-up’s
(Answers: 1. Learn/Bond – desire to create and share 2. Bond – desire for friendship 3. Defend – desire for safety 4. Feel/Learn – desire for creativity 5. Acquire – desire to feel grown-up)

Think About It!

  • What’s something you really, really want right now? Which Core Human Drive does it connect to?
  • If you invented a new toy, how could you show kids how it connects to one of the Core Human Drives?
  • Have you ever seen an ad that made you really want something? What desire do you think it was tapping into?

Remember, great marketing isn’t about creating new desires out of thin air. It’s about understanding what people already want deep down and showing them how your amazing idea can help them get it! When you connect with people’s true desires, that’s when your marketing becomes super powerful!


Verse 1:
Five drives guide us, in all we do
Acquire, Bond, Learn, Defend, and Feel too
But there’s something deeper, that makes us tick
It’s called desire, and it’s oh so slick

Wishes and dreams, that’s what people chase
Find the right drive, and you’ll win the race
Show don’t tell, solve their problems too
That’s how desires come shining through

Verse 2:
A shiny new bike, to be the coolest on the block
Friendship bracelets, to bond around the clock
Science kits for learning, nightlights to defend
Video games for fun, desires never end


Be a desire detective, find what they crave
Connect your idea to the wish they save
Make it personal, help them see
How your product makes their dreams come free


So remember young marketers, as you spread the word
Tap into desires, make sure you’re heard
Wishes and dreams, that’s where it’s at
Connect with drives, and you’ll hit it big like that!