The Struggling Level of Business Consciousness: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

As businesses progress from the victimizer mentality, they enter the struggling level of consciousness. At this stage, companies begin to grapple with the challenges of balancing their own interests with those of their stakeholders, while also striving to adapt to changing market conditions and maintain profitability. The struggling level is marked by a growing awareness of the limitations of exploitative practices and a desire to move towards more ethical and sustainable operations.

In this article, we’ll explore the characteristics of the struggling level, examine case studies of businesses navigating this stage, and discuss strategies for moving up to higher levels of consciousness.

Characteristics of the Struggling Level

Businesses at the struggling level of consciousness often exhibit the following characteristics:

1. Awareness of ethical concerns: They begin to recognize the negative impacts of their past practices on employees, customers, and the environment, and start to consider more responsible alternatives.

2. Inconsistent implementation: While struggling businesses may have good intentions, they often face challenges in consistently implementing ethical and sustainable practices across their operations.

3. Short-term focus: The pressure to maintain profitability and compete in the market can lead struggling businesses to prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

4. Reactive approach: Struggling companies may find themselves constantly reacting to crises and challenges rather than proactively addressing underlying issues and investing in long-term solutions.

Case Study 1: Netflix (1997-2007) – From Struggling to Flow

Netflix, founded in 1997 as a DVD-by-mail rental service, initially struggled to find its footing in the competitive entertainment industry. The company faced challenges in building its subscriber base, managing inventory, and maintaining profitability. However, Netflix’s leadership recognized the potential of streaming technology and made a bold pivot in 2007, investing heavily in the development of its online streaming platform.

This transition was not without its struggles, as Netflix had to navigate complex licensing agreements, technological challenges, and changing consumer preferences. However, by embracing innovation, taking calculated risks, and focusing on delivering value to its customers, Netflix was able to move beyond the struggling level and enter a state of flow. The company’s ability to adapt to market conditions, invest in original content, and expand globally has propelled it to the forefront of the entertainment industry.

Case Study 2: Apple (1997-2007) – From Struggling to Mastery

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company was in a state of crisis, with declining market share, financial losses, and a lack of clear direction. Jobs recognized that Apple needed to focus on its core strengths and values, and set about restructuring the company and its product lines.

In the early 2000s, Apple was still struggling to gain traction in the market, facing intense competition from established players like Microsoft and Dell. However, Jobs and his team remained committed to their vision of creating innovative, user-friendly products that would transform the way people interacted with technology. With the introduction of the iPod in 2001 and the iPhone in 2007, Apple began to gain momentum and establish itself as a leader in the tech industry.

Apple’s success in moving from the struggling level to the mastery level of consciousness can be attributed to its unwavering focus on innovation, design, and user experience, as well as its ability to anticipate and shape market trends. By staying true to its core values and continuously pushing the boundaries of what was possible, Apple was able to overcome its struggles and achieve remarkable success.

Case Study 3: TechCo – From Struggling to Victimizer

TechCo, a fictional electronics manufacturer, found itself struggling to compete in the fast-paced tech industry. Faced with declining sales and mounting financial pressures, the company’s leadership made the decision to cut corners on product quality and engage in deceptive marketing practices to boost short-term profits.

While these tactics initially provided a temporary boost to TechCo’s bottom line, they ultimately backfired as customers began to experience problems with the company’s products and lost trust in the brand. As negative reviews and legal challenges mounted, TechCo found itself slipping from the struggling level to the victimizer level of consciousness, as it resorted to increasingly unethical practices to maintain its position in the market.

TechCo’s story serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of prioritizing short-term gains over long-term sustainability and ethical practices. By failing to address the underlying issues contributing to its struggles and resorting to deceptive tactics, the company ultimately damaged its reputation and hindered its ability to achieve lasting success.

Moving Up from the Struggling Level

For businesses to move beyond the struggling level of consciousness and progress to higher levels, they must:

1. Prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, even if it means accepting short-term financial sacrifices.

2. Invest in long-term solutions and innovation, rather than relying on quick fixes and reactive approaches.

3. Foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, encouraging employees to identify and address challenges proactively.

4. Cultivate strong relationships with stakeholders, including customers, employees, and communities, built on trust and mutual benefit.

By focusing on these strategies and maintaining a commitment to responsible and purposeful business practices, companies can navigate the challenges of the struggling level and lay the foundation for long-term success and positive impact.


The struggling level of business consciousness represents a critical juncture for companies, as they face the challenges of balancing competing priorities and adapting to changing market conditions. By examining the journeys of Netflix, Apple, and the cautionary tale of TechCo, we can gain valuable insights into the strategies and mindsets that enable businesses to move beyond the struggling level and achieve lasting success.

We believe that by embracing the principles of “Question More, Action Knowledge,” businesses can navigate the complexities of the struggling level and set themselves on a path towards higher levels of consciousness. By fostering a culture of innovation, responsibility, and purpose-driven action, we can create a business world that not only achieves financial success but also contributes to the greater good of society and the planet.

BONUS CONTENT: The Struggling Level of Business Song

Verse 1:
Struggling to balance, the scales of success
Torn between profit, and doing what’s best
Aware of the impact, of past mistakes
Striving for change, in the choices we make

It’s a long road ahead, with challenges to face
But we can’t lose sight, of our purpose and grace
We must navigate, this struggling phase
With transparency, accountability, and praise

We’re at the struggling level, fighting to rise
Balancing priorities, under changing skies
Innovation, responsibility, our guiding light
Together we can make it, to a future that’s bright

Verse 2:
Investing in solutions, for the long haul
Building relationships, standing tall
A culture of improvement, is what we need
To move beyond struggles, and succeed



Question more, take action with knowledge
Embrace the complexity, and the challenges
Foster innovation, and purpose-driven dreams
Together we can create, a world that gleams


The struggling level, is just a stepping stone
On the path to consciousness, where we’ve grown
With commitment and vision, we’ll reach new heights
Achieving success, while doing what’s right
A business world, that shines so bright