AI Doesn't Align with Our Values: Addressing Concerns in Homeschooling

As we move beyond the aggressive stance of the third level of AI consciousness, we encounter the fourth level: the belief that AI doesn’t tell the truth and is not aligned with our values. This concern is rooted in the understanding that AI is a product of human creation and can reflect the biases, limitations, and agendas of its creators. 

In a homeschooling environment, parents may struggle with the idea of incorporating AI technologies that do not align with their family’s values and beliefs.

Pros of believing AI doesn’t align with our values:

  1. Encourages critical thinking: Parents who question the alignment of AI with their values are modelling critical thinking skills for their children, encouraging them to evaluate information and technologies through the lens of their own beliefs and principles.
  2. Emphasizes the importance of human discernment: This mindset highlights the crucial role of human judgment and discernment in navigating the complexities of AI and its outputs.

Cons of believing AI doesn’t align with our values:

  1. Limited exposure to diverse perspectives: By focusing solely on AI’s misalignment with personal values, children may miss out on opportunities to engage with diverse viewpoints and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world.
  2. Risk of oversimplification: Viewing AI as entirely untrustworthy or misaligned can lead to an oversimplification of the technology’s capabilities and potential, hindering children’s ability to engage with AI critically and constructively.
  3. Missed opportunities for value-aligned AI: By dismissing AI entirely, families may miss out on opportunities to explore and support the development of AI technologies that do align with their values and have the potential to create positive change.

The Future Impact on the Child

Children who are taught to view AI as fundamentally misaligned with their values may struggle to navigate a world where AI is increasingly present in various domains. This mindset can lead to a reluctance to engage with AI technologies, even when they have the potential to support personal growth and positive change. As AI continues to evolve, children who lack the skills to critically evaluate and engage with the technology may find themselves at a disadvantage in educational and professional settings.

Practical applications:

  • Teach children to evaluate the credibility and bias of AI-generated information
  • Help children understand how AI can perpetuate or amplify human biases and the importance of diverse perspectives in AI development

Developmental considerations:

  • Young children (5-7): Teach basic media literacy skills and the importance of questioning information
  • Older children (8-12): Help children understand how AI can reflect human biases and the need for diverse perspectives
  • Teenagers (13-18): Encourage critical analysis of AI-generated content and discussions about the alignment of AI with human values

Tips for Levelling up Consciousness

1. Encourage value-based evaluation
Teach children to evaluate AI technologies and outputs through the lens of their own values, fostering their ability to make informed decisions about when and how to engage with AI.

2. Explore the potential for value-aligned AI
Discuss the possibility of developing and supporting AI technologies that align with your family’s values, highlighting examples of AI being used for social good and positive change.

3. Foster media literacy skills
Help children develop the skills needed to critically analyze AI-generated content, such as identifying biases, verifying sources, and distinguishing between facts and opinions.

4. Emphasize the role of human agency
Teach children that AI is a tool created by humans and that its impact ultimately depends on how it is developed, used, and governed by human decision-makers.

5. Engage in value-based discussions
Encourage open and honest conversations about your family’s values and how they relate to AI, fostering a sense of shared purpose and agency in navigating the complexities of the technology.

6. Seek out diverse perspectives
Expose children to a range of viewpoints on AI and its implications, encouraging them to consider multiple perspectives and form their own well-informed opinions.

By moving beyond the belief that AI is entirely misaligned with personal values and fostering a more nuanced understanding of the technology, homeschooling parents can help their children develop the skills and mindset needed to engage with AI critically and constructively. This shift in perspective allows children to explore the potential for value-aligned AI while also navigating the challenges and limitations of the technology with discernment and agency.

As children learn to evaluate AI through the lens of their own values and engage with diverse perspectives on the technology, they will be better prepared to make informed decisions about how to interact with AI in their personal and professional lives. By emphasizing the importance of human agency and fostering media literacy skills, homeschooling parents can empower their children to become active participants in shaping the future of AI in alignment with their values and beliefs.

BONUS CONTENT: AI Doesn't Align with Our Values Song

Verse 1:
AI’s a tool, created by human hands
But can we trust it, to understand
The values we hold, the beliefs we stand
It’s time to question, take a firm stand

We must discern, with a critical eye
The truth from the lies, the how and the why
AI’s not perfect, it’s got flaws to find
Let’s use our judgment, and not be blind

Let’s align our values, with the AI we create
Foster media literacy, don’t just accept our fate
Engage with diverse perspectives, and critically evaluate
The impact of AI, before it’s too late

Verse 2:
Human agency, it’s the key to success
We can shape AI, make it align with our best
But we must be active, not just stand by
Participate in the future, let our voices fly



From social good to positive change
AI’s potential, it’s within our range
But we must guide it, with our values in mind
And create a future, that’s truly aligned


Let’s build AI, that reflects our core
A tool for good, not a threat to ignore
With discernment and purpose, we’ll navigate
The complexity of AI, and create something great