Attribution Error: Why We Judge Others Differently Than Ourselves

Have you ever been annoyed at someone for being late, assuming they’re just disorganized or inconsiderate, only to later find yourself explaining your own lateness with “But there was so much traffic!”? 

Or maybe you’ve thought a classmate was “lazy” for missing an assignment, but when you missed one, it was because “things were really crazy at home.” 

This is attribution error in action – our tendency to blame others’ actions on their personality while excusing our own based on circumstances.

Think of it like watching a play. When we’re in the audience watching others, we only see their performance on stage. But when it’s us, we know all about the behind-the-scenes chaos that affected our performance. 

This difference in perspective leads to very different judgments.

Why Do We Make This Error?

Several factors contribute to this biased thinking:

  1. Limited Information: We know all the details of our own situation but very little about others’.
  2. Self-Protection: We want to maintain a positive self-image.
  3. Visibility of Actions: Behaviors are more visible than circumstances.
  4. Emotional Investment: We’re more motivated to find external explanations for our own actions.

How Attribution Error Shows Up

This bias appears in many areas of life:

1. In School and Work

  • Assuming a teammate is unreliable when they miss a deadline
  • Thinking a quiet classmate is unfriendly
  • Judging a coworker’s mistakes as incompetence
  • Labeling someone as “lazy” without knowing their challenges

2. In Social Situations

  • Believing someone is rude for not responding to messages
  • Thinking someone is antisocial for declining invitations
  • Judging others’ social media posts as attention-seeking
  • Assuming someone is mean based on one interaction

3. In Daily Life

  • Getting angry at other drivers without considering their circumstances
  • Judging parents struggling with crying children in public
  • Thinking service workers are unfriendly during busy times
  • Making snap judgments about strangers’ behaviors

The Hidden Impact of Biased Judgment

Attribution error can have significant consequences that affect our relationships and society. 

When we consistently judge others more harshly than ourselves, we create unnecessary conflicts, damage relationships, and miss opportunities for empathy and understanding. 

This bias can lead to workplace tensions, broken friendships, and a general sense of disconnection from others. 

Moreover, it can prevent us from learning from our own mistakes, as we’re too quick to blame circumstances rather than examining our own behavior.

Self-Judgment Judging Others "It was the situation" External Attribution Missed Learning Avoiding Growth "It's their character" Internal Attribution Damaged Relationships Social Conflict Workplace Disconnection

Social Media's Role

Social media often amplifies attribution error:

  1. Limited Context: We see posts without understanding the full story
  2. Quick Judgments: The fast-paced nature encourages snap decisions
  3. Performative Culture: We judge others’ “performances” without seeing behind the scenes
  4. Echo Chambers: Our judgments get reinforced by like-minded people

Breaking Free from Biased Attribution


Practice Perspective-Taking

Before jumping to conclusions about someone’s character, pause and consider what circumstances might be affecting their behavior. Try to imagine what “behind-the-scenes” factors could be influencing their actions, just as you’d want others to do for you.


Question Your Assumptions

When you find yourself making character-based judgments, challenge them. Ask yourself if you’d make the same judgment if you were in their situation, or if you’d want others to judge you the same way.


Seek Additional Context

Make an effort to learn more about situations before making judgments. Remember that everyone has a story you might not know about.


Apply Equal Standards

Try to judge your own actions by the same standards you use for others, and extend the same understanding to others that you give yourself.

Teaching Kids About Attribution Error

Using Awareness for Personal Growth

Understanding attribution error can lead to:

1. Better Relationships

Developing more empathy and understanding for others.

2. Improved Self-Awareness

Recognizing when we’re making excuses for our own behavior.

3. Fairer Judgments

Making more balanced assessments of both ourselves and others.

4. Greater Empathy

Understanding that everyone faces hidden challenges.

Remember, everyone is the main character in their own story, dealing with circumstances others can’t see. The next time you’re quick to judge someone’s character, pause and ask yourself: “What might be going on in their life that I don’t know about?

By understanding attribution error, we can work toward being more understanding of others while also being more honest with ourselves. After all, none of us wants to be judged solely by our worst moments or have our entire character defined by a single action.

So the next time you’re tempted to label someone as “just lazy” or “always inconsiderate,” remember that they, like you, are probably dealing with circumstances you can’t see. A little understanding can go a long way in making the world a kinder, more empathetic place.

Movie Recommendation: Crash (2004)

Crash provides a powerful examination of attribution error through its intricate web of interconnected stories in Los Angeles.

As diverse characters collide and conflict, students witness how people consistently attribute others’ actions to personality or identity while excusing their own behavior as responses to circumstances.

Through multiple perspectives on the same events – from a police officer’s controversial stop to a locksmith’s misunderstood intentions – viewers see how attribution error fuels prejudice and misunderstanding across racial, social, and economic lines.

The film’s layered narrative reveals how each character’s actions are shaped by complex circumstances often invisible to others, who instead default to simplistic explanations based on stereotypes and bias.

Through these intersecting stories of misattribution and revelation, students learn how our tendency to explain others’ behavior through character rather than context perpetuates social divisions and prevents genuine understanding.

Song: Behind the Scenes

Verse 1:
When I’m running late, it’s the traffic jam
When you’re running late, I think that’s who you are
When I miss a call, life got in the way
When you miss a call, I think you just don’t care
Funny how the story changes
Depending on which side we’re standing

We’re all starring in our own show
But we’re extras in everyone else’s, you know
There’s always more than meets the eye
More than what we see at first try

Behind the scenes
(There’s more to the story)
Behind the scenes
(Than what we see before us)
Everyone’s fighting battles we can’t see
So maybe we should judge more carefully
‘Cause we’re all living life
Behind the scenes

Verse 2:
When I’m having trouble, it’s circumstance
When you’re having trouble, I make assumptions at a glance
When I seem distant, I’m dealing with things
When you seem distant, I jump to labeling
Got to remember we’re all facing
Challenges that need embracing


Before you write someone’s story
(Take a breath)
Remember your own excuses
(Look deeper)
‘Cause everyone deserves the same
Understanding that we claim
For ourselves!

Behind the scenes
(There’s more to the story)
Behind the scenes
(Than what we see before us)
Let’s try to judge a little less severely
And treat each other more sincerely
‘Cause we’re all doing our best
Behind the scenes

(Spoken thoughtfully)
Remember friends
Your backstage isn’t visible
To those watching from the audience
So maybe their backstage
Deserves a second look too