Feedback Loops

Have you ever noticed how your actions can influence the world around you, and how the world, in turn, responds to those actions? 

This back-and-forth exchange is what we call a feedback loop, and it’s happening all around us, even in ways we might not realize.

Feedback loops are everywhere in our lives, and understanding how they work can help us become more flexible and responsive to the information we receive and the feedback we give to others.

What are Feedback Loops?

A feedback loop is a sequence of events where the output or result of one event becomes the input or starting point for the next event.

It’s like a continuous cycle, where each step affects the next, and the cycle keeps repeating.

There are two main types of feedback loops:

  1. Balancing Feedback Loops (Negative Loops)
    These loops work to maintain a stable state or equilibrium. They help keep things balanced and prevent them from getting too far out of control. For example, when it gets too hot in a room, the air conditioner kicks in to cool things down, creating a balancing loop.
  2. Reinforcing Feedback Loops (Positive Loops)
    These loops amplify or intensify a particular process or trend. They create a snowball effect, where the output of one event leads to more of the same output in the next event. For instance, the more people start wearing a certain fashion trend, the more popular it becomes, leading even more people to follow the trend.
Balancing Loop (Negative Feedback) Room Temperature Air Conditioner Adjustment Reinforcing Loop (Positive Feedback) Study Habits Better Grades → More Motivation vs Both types of feedback loops are essential for natural systems

Feedback Loops in Our Lives

Feedback loops are all around us, even in situations we might not immediately recognize:

  • When you do well on a test because you studied hard, the positive feedback (good grade) reinforces your behavior of studying hard for the next test.
  • If you share your toys with friends, and they appreciate it and play with you more, the positive feedback (more playtime) reinforces your behavior of sharing toys.
  • If you don’t clean your room, and your parents remind you to do so, the feedback (reminders) helps balance your behavior towards keeping your room tidy.

The Importance of Feedback Loops

Understanding feedback loops can help us become more aware of the choices we make and how they impact the world around us.

It can also help us:

Recognize Patterns: By identifying feedback loops, we can see patterns in our behavior and the consequences they lead to.

Make Better Choices:  With this understanding, we can make more informed choices that lead to positive outcomes.

Adjust and Adapt:  When we encounter negative feedback loops, we can adjust our actions to create more desirable results.

Hands-On Learning

To truly understand feedback loops, it’s essential to experience them firsthand.

Here are some fun activities to help you explore this concept:

  • Feedback Loop Game
    • Act out different scenarios involving balancing and reinforcing feedback loops.
    • For example, one person could be the thermostat, and others could be the temperature, adjusting their actions based on the feedback.
  • Feedback Loop Journal
    • Keep a journal where you track the feedback you receive throughout the day and identify how it affects your actions and choices.

Remember, feedback loops are all around us, and understanding them can help us become more aware, adaptable, and successful in all aspects of our lives.

Movie Recommendation: Groundhog Day (1993)

The movie Groundhog Day is a fascinating exploration of feedback loops, both as a narrative device and a metaphor for personal growth.

In the film, Phil Connors, played by Bill Murray, finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over again. This endless repetition serves as a literal feedback loop, where Phil’s actions influence his experiences, which in turn shape his subsequent behavior. Initially, he exploits the loop for selfish purposes, but as the cycle continues, he begins to experiment with different approaches to improve himself and his interactions with others.

The feedback loop becomes a mechanism for learning and self-reflection, illustrating how small changes in behavior can lead to significant transformations over time. Phil’s journey mirrors real-world systems governed by feedback loops—whether in biology, economics, or social dynamics—where adjustments based on feedback drive progress toward equilibrium or chaos.

Ultimately, the film suggests that meaningful change requires awareness, adaptation, and deliberate effort within the constraints of one’s circumstances, making it an allegory for the power of feedback loops in shaping outcomes.

Movie Recommendation: The Lorax (2012)

The Lorax provides a vibrant exploration of feedback loops through its cautionary tale of environmental destruction and potential renewal.

Through the Once-ler’s story of how his Thneed business transformed a thriving ecosystem into a wasteland, students witness how negative feedback loops can accelerate system collapse – fewer trees lead to fewer Bar-ba-loots, which leads to fewer seeds, resulting in even fewer trees.

The film demonstrates feedback loops through its colorful depiction of both destructive cycles (as industrialization feeds growing greed) and restorative ones (as Ted’s single tree inspires community-wide environmental renewal).

As viewers follow the transformation of the valley from vibrant paradise to polluted wasteland and potentially back again, they learn how feedback loops can either reinforce system destruction or support system healing.

Through its Dr. Seuss-inspired message about environmental stewardship, the film shows why understanding feedback loops becomes crucial for recognizing how our actions can either trigger downward spirals or spark positive change in complex systems.

Song: Feedback Loops

(Verse 1)
Life is full of cycles, going round and round
Every action has a reaction, it’s a loop we’ve found
Feedback is the key, to understanding the game
Balancing or reinforcing, each loop has a name

Feedback loops, feedback loops, shaping our world each day
From the choices that we make, to the words we say
Feedback loops, feedback loops, guiding us along the way
Helping us learn, adapt, and grow, in every single way

(Verse 2)
When you study hard, and ace that test
Positive feedback, reinforces your best
Sharing toys with friends, leads to more playtime
Feedback loops in action, a pattern so sublime

Recognizing patterns, making better choices
Adjusting and adapting, to the feedback voices
In our lives, feedback loops abound
From the simplest interactions, to the most profound

Feedback loops, feedback loops, shaping our world each day
From the choices that we make, to the words we say
Feedback loops, feedback loops, guiding us along the way
Helping us learn, adapt, and grow, in every single way

(Verse 3)
To understand this concept, we must experience it firsthand
With games and journals, we’ll explore this land
Acting out scenarios, tracking feedback’s might
Feedback loops illuminate, our path so bright

From the thermostat’s balance, to fashion’s reinforcing trend
Feedback loops are with us, from beginning to end
Awareness is the key, to harnessing their power
In every moment, in every hour

Feedback loops, feedback loops, shaping our world each day
From the choices that we make, to the words we say
Feedback loops, feedback loops, guiding us along the way
Helping us learn, adapt, and grow, in every single way

So pay attention to the loops, in your life’s grand design
Feedback is the thread, that makes everything align
With understanding and wisdom, you’ll navigate with ease
Feedback loops, your guide, to a life of peace!