Subtle Sounds: A Deep Dive into 'S' and 'Z'

This lesson will build upon the previous one, delving deeper into the intricacies of vocal sound production by focusing specifically on the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds. The lesson will successfully combine theoretical understanding of phonetics with practical exploration of these sounds.

In the theoretical section, students will gain insight into the science behind ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sound production. They will learn about the positioning of the mouth, tongue, and teeth, as well as the crucial role of vocal cord vibration in distinguishing between voiced and unvoiced sounds. This foundational knowledge will prepare students for the practical exercises to follow.

During the hands-on portion of the lesson, participants will:

  1. Develop a heightened awareness of the subtle differences between ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds
  2. Explore the sensations in their throat, mouth, and larynx when producing these sounds
  3. Practice controlling the intensity and airflow of their breath while vocalizing
  4. Gain insight into the relationship between abdominal movement and sound production
  5. Learn to balance effort across their vocal system to produce sounds efficiently

By integrating scientific understanding with experiential learning, students will achieve a more nuanced comprehension of sound production. This approach will foster a deeper connection between students and their vocal instruments, enhancing their ability to control and manipulate sounds. The lesson will lay the groundwork for improved vocal technique and a greater appreciation for the complexity of speech and singing.

Science Lesson: The Science Behind 'S' and 'Z'

Science Class: Introduction (Teacher's Script):

					Welcome back, young scientists! In our previous lesson, we discovered how the respiratory system works and how it's connected to our voice. Today, we'll be taking a closer look at two fascinating sounds: 'S' and 'Z'. These sounds might seem simple, but there's a lot of amazing science happening behind the scenes. Get ready to explore the world of phonetics and learn how our bodies create these sounds!

Have you ever wondered how we make different sounds when we speak? It all comes down to the way we use our mouth, tongue, and throat. Let's focus on the 'S' and 'Z' sounds today.

First, let's watch a short video that explains how we create these sounds.
[Play video: "English Sounds - S [s] and Z [z] Consonants - How to make the S and Z Consonants" by Rachel's English ]

Now that we've seen how it's done, let's break it down step by step.

1. To make the 'S' sound, your teeth are close together, and your tongue is close to the roof of your mouth, just behind your top teeth.
2. Air passes through the small gap between your tongue and the roof of your mouth, creating a hissing sound.
3. Your vocal cords do not vibrate when making the 'S' sound, which is why it's called an unvoiced or voiceless sound.
4. To make the 'Z' sound, your mouth and tongue are in the same position as for the 'S' sound, but with one key difference.
5. When making the 'Z' sound, your vocal cords vibrate, creating a buzzing sound. That's why 'Z' is called a voiced sound.

[Display diagram (below): A side view of the mouth and throat, showing the position of the teeth, tongue, and vocal cords for the 'S' and 'Z' sounds.]

Take a look at this diagram. Can you see how the tongue is positioned close to the roof of the mouth for both sounds? The main difference is what's happening in the throat. For the 'Z' sound, the vocal cords are vibrating, while for the 'S' sound, they remain still.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that the 'S' and 'Z' sounds are used in many different languages around the world? In English, we use them to distinguish between words like "sue" and "zoo" or "race" and "raise". Pretty cool, right?



Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s the main difference between how we make the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds?
  2. Why is the ‘S’ sound called voiceless and the ‘Z’ sound called voiced?
  3. Can you think of any words that sound different because of the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds?
  4. Why do you think it’s important to learn about how we make different sounds?
  5. Can you feel your vocal cords vibrating when you make the ‘Z’ sound? Try it!

Science Class: Closing (Teacher's Script):

					Wow, who knew there was so much science behind two simple sounds? The next time you say words with 'S' and 'Z', remember the amazing things your mouth and throat are doing to create those sounds. 

In our upcoming lesson, we'll explore these sounds even further through some fun exercises. Get ready to become a master of 'S' and 'Z'!


Guided Exercise: A Deep Dive into 'S' and 'Z'

Introduction (Teacher's Script):

					Hello again, everyone! In our last lesson, we explored how breathing affects our voice. Today, we'll dive even deeper into the world of sound production by focusing on two specific sounds: 'S' and 'Z'. These sounds might seem simple, but there's a lot of fascinating things happening in our bodies when we make them. We'll be doing some fun exercises to help us understand the subtle differences between these sounds and how we can control them. 

Remember, this is all about exploration and learning – so let's approach it with curiosity and an open mind!
					Before we start, let's record a vocal reference so that we can compare the quality of your voice now with it at the end of the lesson.

Let's pretend you are hired as the professional voice talent for a fictional audiobook.

Here is your paragraph.

"In the quiet evening, the small waves gently talked to the sandy beach. Each word was clear and floated easily through the cool air. As I listened, the soft sounds of the waves mixed with the whispering leaves, making a beautiful song that made me feel calm and happy about the world around us."

Let's say it a couple more times and listen to how your voice resonates.

What kind of action is involved if you decide to say it louder?
What changes in your torso, breathing, face?
How loud can you get without straining?
And how would you know if you're straining?

Now, observe what is involved in saying it really quietly.
What happens to your breath?
What happens to the muscles of your throat, your jaw, your face?

Notice if the sounds flow smoothly together or if they're a bit disconnected and choppy.
What is the connection between the flow of the breath and the flow of the sounds?

Pay attention to the relationship between the amount of air that you store in your lungs and the requirement of speaking out the entire paragraph.

Don't worry if you can't find the answers right now.
What's important is that you look for the answers.

Record yourself on a phone or computer saying this paragraph and once you're done lets begin the lesson.



1. Begin by bending your knees and placing your feet flat on the floor while lying on your back.

2. Start breathing in and out through your mouth.

3. On exhalation, make a sustained ‘Z’ sound, as in zebra. Practice this for about 6 minutes.

As you make the ‘Z’ sound, pay attention to what’s happening in your throat and mouth. How does it feel different from when you’re just breathing?

4. Notice the similarities and differences between the ‘Z’ sound and the previously practiced ‘S’ sound. Take about 1 minute for this observation.

5. Alternate between the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds during exhalation, paying attention to changes in your throat and mouth. Practice this for about 9 minutes.

6. Feel the engagement of your vocal cords in the larynx when making the ‘Z’ sound. Spend about 1 minute focusing on this sensation.

7. Place your fingertips in front of your neck to locate the larynx and sense the vibration during the ‘Z’ sound. Explore this for about 4 minutes.

8. Alternate quickly between ‘S’ and ‘Z’ while touching your throat, noting any tension or movement. Do this for about 2 minutes.

9. Explore varying intensities when engaging the vocal folds from ‘S’ to ‘Z’. Spend about 3 minutes on this exploration.

10. Notice the changes in breath flow, abdominal movement, and chest sensation when switching sounds and intensities. Observe these changes for about 3 minutes.

As you switch between the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds, pay attention to how your breath and body respond. What do you notice?

11. Pay attention to the sensations in your neck, tongue, and larynx area for about 2 minutes.

12. Aim to balance the effort across your whole system, avoiding excess strain in any one area. Focus on this balance for about 2 minutes.

13. Vary the intensity of the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds, alternating between louder and softer variations for about 2 minutes.

14. Choose a comfortable intensity level for switching sounds, aiming for minimal changes and disturbances. Take about 2 minutes to find this comfortable level.

15. Focus on maintaining a steady flow of air and stable tongue position during the sound transitions for about 1 minute.

16. Minimize any adjustments in head position or spinal alignment while practicing the sounds. Be mindful of this for about 1 minute.

17. Practice switching between ‘S’ and ‘Z’ with minimal effort, focusing on activation of vocal folds in the larynx. Do this for about 2 minutes.

18. Match the movement of your abdomen to the speed of airflow during sound transitions. Practice this coordination for about 1 minute.

19. Observe the slight variation in airflow speed when switching from ‘S’ to ‘Z’. Notice this for about 1 minute.

20. Conclude with relaxation, lying on your back and letting go of all effort for about 1 minute.

Discussion Questions

These questions can be asked during the activity or at the conclusion.

  1. Do you notice the change in your throat when switching from ‘S’ to ‘Z’?
  2. How does the intensity of your breath change between the ‘S’ and ‘Z’ sounds?
  3.  Can you feel the movement in your abdomen and chest when altering the sounds?
  4. Are you aware of the effort balance across your system when vocalizing?
  5. What new insights did you gain about the relationship between your body and your voice?
					Remember the audio recording we did before the start of the lesson?

Here is the paragraph again.

"In the quiet evening, the small waves gently talked to the sandy beach. Each word was clear and floated easily through the cool air. As I listened, the soft sounds of the waves mixed with the whispering leaves, making a beautiful song that made me feel calm and happy about the world around us."

Recite it a few times in a standing position.  Pay attention to flow of breath and how whether or not the sounds are smoother and more effortless.

Play around with volumes and go over the questions review the questions you might not have had the answers to before the first time.

Finally, record yourself saying the paragraph and once you're done, compare the quality of your voice now relative to the quality you had before doing this lesson.


Closing (Teacher's Script):

					Great work today, everyone! You've just taken a big step in understanding the nuances of sound production and vocal control. Take a moment to reflect on what you felt during the exercises and any new insights you gained about the connection between your breath, your body, and the sounds you make. 

Remember, by becoming more aware of these subtle differences and practicing conscious control, you can improve your vocal efficiency and expand your range of expression. Keep exploring, stay curious, and most importantly, enjoy the process of discovering your voice!