Discovering Your Potential

Uncovering the Treasures Within

60 Minute Session

Session Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will:

  • Recognize that everyone has unique talents and abilities.
  • Identify their own strengths, interests, and areas of potential.
  • Understand the concept of personal potential as a combination of talent, knowledge, and motivation.
  • Build confidence in their abilities and appreciate the diversity of strengths among peers.

Discovering What Makes You Special

Time: 10 minutes

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that there’s no one else in the world exactly like you? Even identical twins have different personalities, different talents, and different things they love to do!

Let’s play a game called “What Makes Me, Me!” I want you to think about all the things that make you unique. 

It could be:

  • Things you’re good at
  • What you love doing
  • Special experiences you’ve had
  • Your favorite ways to learn
  • How you solve problems
  • What makes you happy
  • Ways you help others

For example, maybe:

  • You’re really good at remembering song lyrics
  • You can make anyone laugh when they’re sad
  • You love solving puzzles
  • You’re great at explaining things to others
  • You notice details others might miss
  • You’re patient with younger kids
  • You can imagine amazing stories

Think about something that makes you different from your friends or family.

Maybe you’re the only one who:

  • Loves spicy food
  • Can whistle really well
  • Enjoys doing math problems
  • Knows how to juggle
  • Can remember everyone’s birthday
  • Makes up silly songs

All these little things add up to make you uniquely YOU!

And here’s something really cool to think about: Just like a fingerprint, your combination of talents, interests, and abilities is completely unique. No one else in the world has exactly the same mix as you do.

What’s something special about you that you’d like to share?

Teaching Note: This opening helps students recognize and appreciate their individuality while setting up the deeper exploration of personal talents and potential to come.

Understanding Your Amazing Potential

Time: 10 minutes

You know how a seed contains everything needed to grow into a beautiful plant? 

Well, you’re like that seed – full of amazing potential just waiting to grow!

Let’s break down what we mean by “potential“:

Think of potential like making a delicious cake:

  1. You need ingredients (your natural talents)
  2. You need a recipe and skills (knowledge you learn)
  3. You need the desire to bake (your motivation)

All three parts work together to create something amazing!

Your Natural Talents These are things that just come naturally to you, like:

  • Being good with numbers
  • Having a great singing voice
  • Being able to make friends easily
  • Running really fast
  • Being creative
  • Understanding how things work

What You Learn This is like adding tools to your toolbox:

  • Skills you practice
  • Things you study
  • New abilities you develop
  • Tricks you figure out
  • Wisdom you gain from experience

Your Inner Drive This is your personal “engine” that makes you want to:

  • Try new things
  • Practice until you improve
  • Keep going when things get tough
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Reach your goals

Let me give you an example: Think about someone who becomes a great basketball player.

  • They might have natural talent (being tall, good coordination)
  • They learn skills (dribbling, shooting techniques)
  • They have motivation (practice every day, never give up)

All three parts working together help them reach their potential!

What’s really exciting is that everyone has their own special mix of these three things. Can you think of something you’re good at?

Let’s break it down into these three parts!

Let me give you an example: Think about someone who becomes a great basketball player.

  • They might have natural talent (being tall, good coordination)
  • They learn skills (dribbling, shooting techniques)
  • They have motivation (practice every day, never give up)

All three parts working together help them reach their potential!

What’s really exciting is that everyone has their own special mix of these three things. Can you think of something you’re good at?

Let’s break it down into these three parts!

Teaching Note: Help students understand that potential isn’t just about natural talent – it’s about combining talents with learning and motivation to achieve great things.

Discovering My Superpowers

Time: 15 minutes

Let’s fill this out together! Take your time thinking about each section. Sometimes we don’t notice our own strengths, so think about:

  • What comes easily to you
  • What others ask you to help with
  • Times when you felt successful
  • Activities that make you lose track of time

There are no wrong answers – this is all about discovering what makes YOU special!

As you write, tell me about some of your answers. I’d love to hear what you discover about yourself!

					# My Personal Strengths Discovery Sheet
Name: _________________
Date: _________________

## My Superpower Areas

### Things I'm Good At...
* At home: _______________________
* At school: ______________________
* With friends: ____________________
* In sports/activities: _______________
* When helping others: _____________

### Things That Make Me Happy...
* I love doing: ____________________
* I get excited about: ______________
* I lose track of time when: _________
* I'm proud when: _________________

### What Others Notice...
* My family says I'm good at: ________
* My friends say I'm great at: ________
* My teachers notice I: _____________
* People come to me when: _________

### My Learning Adventures...
* I want to learn more about: ________
* I'm curious about: _______________
* I'd like to try: __________________
* I dream of: ____________________

### My Special Qualities...
* Three words that describe me:
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________

### My Proudest Moments...
Draw or write about a time when you felt really proud of something you did:



  1. Everyone has different strengths
  2. Strengths can grow stronger
  3. New strengths can develop
  4. Your strengths make you unique!

Teaching Note: Help students dig deeper when they seem unsure. Sometimes they need help recognizing strengths they take for granted. Celebrate each strength they identify, and help them see how different strengths can work together.

The Garden of Hidden Gifts

Time: 10 minutes

Let me tell you a story about three friends – Maya, Alex, and Jordan – and their amazing discovery in their school’s abandoned garden.

One day, their science teacher, Ms. Chen, gathered them around and said, “You know that old garden behind the school? There’s something incredibly valuable hidden there. Something that could change everything.”

The three friends were so excited! They imagined finding buried treasure, ancient artifacts, or maybe even dinosaur bones. Every day after school, they worked in the garden:
– Maya mapped out different areas to explore
– Alex researched what plants used to grow there
– Jordan organized their tools and plans

They dug carefully, cleared weeds, and turned the soil. Days passed, then weeks. No treasure. They started feeling disappointed.

“Maybe Ms. Chen was wrong,” Maya sighed.

“Or maybe we’re not looking in the right place,” Alex suggested.

Then Jordan had an idea: “Well, since we’ve cleared all this space, why don’t we plant something?”

They decided to try:
– Maya used her planning skills to design the garden
– Alex applied his research to choose the right plants
– Jordan created a schedule to care for everything

To their surprise, something magical started happening. The garden began to bloom! Not just with flowers and vegetables, but with other wonderful things too:
– Other students started joining them
– Teachers brought their classes to learn
– Younger kids asked them for gardening advice
– The whole school started feeling prouder

One day, Ms. Chen visited their thriving garden. “I see you found the treasure,” she smiled.

“But we didn’t find anything buried here,” Maya said.

“Didn’t you?” Ms. Chen asked. “Look what you’ve discovered:
– Maya, you found you’re a natural leader
– Alex, you learned you love solving problems
– Jordan, you realized you’re great at organizing
Plus, you’ve created something beautiful that helps everyone!”

The friends looked at each other in amazement. The real treasure wasn’t buried in the garden – it was inside them all along, just waiting to be discovered through their hard work and dedication.

What do you think about this story? Have you ever discovered something special about yourself while working on a project? What hidden talents might you have that are just waiting to be discovered?

Teaching Note: This story helps students understand that discovering their potential often comes through effort and trying new things, and that everyone has valuable gifts to contribute.

Our Amazing Talent Gallery

Time: 15 minutes

Let’s create something special – your own personal “Talent Gallery” that shows off all the amazing things you can do! Think of it like creating a museum exhibit about YOU.

Creating Your Talent Display

First, let’s gather our “exhibits”:

  • Things you can do
  • Things you know about
  • Ways you help others
  • Special skills you have
  • Unique qualities about you

Let’s make a creative poster together. 

We’ll divide it into different sections:

1. My Physical Talents

  • Sports abilities
  • Dance moves
  • Physical skills
  • Things you can make with your hands

2. My Mind Powers

  • Subjects you’re good at
  • Problems you can solve
  • Things you remember well
  • Creative ideas you have

3.  My Heart Strengths

  • How you help others
  • Ways you show kindness
  • Things that make you a good friend
  • How you make people feel better

4. My Special Skills

  • Unique abilities
  • Cool tricks you can do
  • Things you’ve learned
  • Special knowledge you have

As we create each section, tell me:

  • How did you discover this talent?
  • What do you enjoy most about it?
  • How do you use it to help others?
  • What would you like to learn next?

Let’s make it colorful and fun! 

We can:

  • Draw pictures
  • Write descriptions
  • Add decorations
  • Make it really represent YOU

When we’re done, you’ll have a beautiful display of what makes you special. We can even leave some blank spaces for new talents you’ll discover!

Teaching Note: Help students recognize that talents come in many forms – not just traditional skills like sports or music, but also things like being a good listener or having a great imagination. Encourage them to think broadly about what makes them special.

Celebrating Your Unique Gifts: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Today we explored something amazing – the special combination of talents, abilities, and interests that make you uniquely YOU! Just like our garden story showed us, sometimes our greatest gifts are discovered when we try new things and believe in ourselves.

Here’s what we discovered today:

  • Everyone has special talents and abilities
  • Our potential grows when we combine natural talents with learning and motivation
  • Different people have different strengths, and that’s wonderful
  • Sometimes others see strengths in us that we don’t notice ourselves

Your Strength-Finding Mission

Over the next week, become a “Strength Detective.”

Your mission is to:

  1. Interview someone who knows you well (family member, friend, or teacher)
  2. Ask them:
    • What strengths do they see in you?
    • When have they seen you at your best?
    • What do they think makes you special?

Write down what you learn. You might be surprised by what others notice about you!

For example, you might write:
I interviewed my grandmother, and she said she admires how patient I am when helping my little brother with his homework. I never thought of patience as a special talent before !

When we meet next time, we’ll talk about things that might hold us back from using our talents fully. Bring your interview notes – I’d love to hear what you discovered about yourself!

Remember our special saying:
Your potential is like a garden – the more you tend it, the more beautiful it grows!

Teaching Note: End the session on an empowering note that encourages students to continue exploring their strengths while building anticipation for the next lesson about overcoming internal barriers.

Song: The Garden of You

Like a garden waiting to grow
You’ve got gifts that want to show
Everyone’s got something special
That makes them who they are!
[Verse 1]
Maybe you’re good at singing songs
Or solving puzzles all day long
Could be you’re great at making friends
Or helping others in the end
Some can run and jump so high
Others make great butterfly
Every talent that you bring
Makes our garden really sing
You’re like a seed about to grow
(About to grow!)
With so much more than you might know
(Than you might know!)
Just add some learning, add some care
(Add some care!)
And watch your garden grow so fair
You’ve got treasures deep inside
Different gifts from all the rest
Like a garden full of flowers
Each one blooming at its best
(At its best!)
[Verse 2]
Some folks notice tiny things
Others soar on creative wings
Maybe math just clicks for you
Or you know just what to do
When a friend is feeling down
Or someone needs help getting ’round
Every skill that makes you YOU
Is something special, something true
You’re like a seed about to grow
(About to grow!)
With so much more than you might know
(Than you might know!)
Just add some learning, add some care
(Add some care!)
And watch your garden grow so fair
Sometimes others see in you
What you haven’t noticed yet
Like Ms. Chen who helped her students
Find the gifts that they could get
[vocal effect: group of children]
In the garden of our minds
Every day we grow and shine!
[Verse 3]
Physical talents, mind powers too
Heart strengths that show in what you do
Special skills that make you shine
Growing stronger all the time
Like that garden in our tale
Where three friends could not fail
When they worked with what they knew
Look what amazing things they grew!
You’ve got treasures deep inside
Different gifts from all the rest
Like a garden full of flowers
Each one blooming at its best
(At its best!)
Your potential’s like a seed
Growing daily as you learn
Tend it well with love and care
Watch the magic as you turn